Chapter Three ;; Not What It Seems

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I was sitting in the back of the taxi on my way to the hotel and just couldn't help myself from being excited! I was going to get see my other half, the only person I had ever truley loved. I just couldn't wait to run into his arms..

I arrived at the hotel and noticed some fans who clearly had attented the live event themselves. They must had traveled to get here, considering they were staying at the same hotel as Randy. I couldn't help but start speed walking, I just wanted to get to him as quickly as I could. I figured he must have just arrived because he hadn't called me yet and he always called when he was done working, but the particular night it didn't really bother me or worry me what so ever.

I decided to take the elevator, cause' I figured it was the quickest way. I got to the level he was and started walking to find his room number. I didn't have key, so I was hoping the door was unlocked.

"214" the door read. I thought how fitting to have the numbers that represented Valentine's day on his door. It was all just so perfect and meant to be, I was practically glowing at this point..

I knocked on the door, but there wasn't an answer. So I decided to just walk in. I first noticed the bed and some clothes on the floor, but didn't really think too much of it, considering I heard the shower. I decided I would just sit on the bed and wait for him, maybe even become a bit more "comfortable." By that I mean I took my shirt and skirt off I had been wearing.. I mean the only thing that could make this plan better is a little sexiness, right?

I heard the shower turn off and the door open. I saw Randy step out and just like I imagined, I jumped into his arms and kissed him. But I could feel him kind of pull away and as he did I glanced into the bathroom and saw a sight I could never forget. Tears starting tickling my cheeks and I just couldn't believe what I was seeing! I think I had to even pinch myself. I could see Paige's smirk-like expression as she walked out the bathroom, with a towel around her. I felt so humiliated and to top it all of I was practically naked. I didn't care about getting dress though, I just wanted to remove myself from his room as soon as possible. I grabbed a robe that was hanging up and just took off without looking back, I didn't even care about what Randy was trying to say.


As I stepped out of the shower, I turned back to assist Paige, who I had been showering with, by holding her hand and helping her step out without falling. I grabbed my pants off the counter and put them on. I couldn't help looking back at Paige as she wrapped a towel around herself.

Nothing serious had been going on between us, just a friends with benefits type of thing. I mean we were both in relationships anyways with people we loved.

I opened the door and to my surprise my fiance, Leah jumped into my arms. Catching her, she started kissing me. I was so taken by this and couldn't get into the kiss. It wasn't long before she saw Paige and realized what I had been doing. I didn't have anytime to really say anything because she just took off. I tried screaming for her, but she just continued to hurry off, ignoring me.

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