Chapter Fifty Three ;; Friends Or Enemies?

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Its been a long couple days for me, considering the surgery and being in the hospital for the last three nights, mostly alone. I was looking forward to Seth's arrival, but at the time was bothered over a few things. Like what the hell was that hug with Layla all about? Before I could think any farther, I heard the door, to my room, open.

"Hey baby!" Seth said, sounding happy to see me.

"Hi babe," I softly spoke, while I leaned over to accept his hug. He squeezed me gently, knowing I was still really sore from surgery, and gave me a kiss.

As Seth and my lips separated, I looked over to see Dean, who was carrying two balloons. One was soft pink, the other baby blue, but the both read "congratulations."

As Dean got closer, I noticed Roman, who was walking behind him along with Layla, carrying a bouquet of roses. It was a mixture of red and yellow roses.

Roman handed me the flowers as Dean set the balloons next to the bed.

"We got these for you, the yellow roses mean friendship and the red ones mean love." Roman explained.

"Awwww, you guys thank you," I cheerfully announced, starting to tear up a bit.

Seth wiped my tears away before walking over to the bassinet and picking Ella up. "Trust me, its nothing compared to the gift, you've given me." Seth sweetly implied. He kissed Ella's cheeks as he walked over to Seth Jr's bassinet to greet him as well.


I watched on as Seth, Dean, and Roman all practically kissed Leah's ass. It was completely disgusting. And Seth's whole "its nothing compared to the gift you've given me" remark made me feel heart burn coming on.

"Do you have a problem, Layla?" Leah questioned.

I nearly swallowed my thoughts, I was so taken by her question and I could tell everyone else felt the same because the room went silent and Dean, Roman, and Seth just all looked up at me.

"What do you mean?" I responded, playing it off.

"You just look like you have some serious issues." Leah admitted, which came off kind of insulting.

I put on a fake smile and said, "No I'm fine, just enjoying the cuteness in the room."

Leah rolled her eyes at me and rudely insulted, "Please Layla, save the fake for your eyelashes."

As soon as she said that, I started to lose it, "No, I think I much rather give the fake to you, so maybe you could use it to get bigger boobs." I shot back.


While Seth, Dean, and Roman were all greeting me, along with giving me the flowers and balloons, I couldn't help but notice Layla's body language and facial expressions.

She looked completely disgusted and bitchy, which instantly made me think back to the hug she gave Seth on Smackdown, which set me off.

When things started getting intense, Dean instantly shot up, out of his chair.

"Whoa, ladies, easy with the words." Dean directed, as he put his arm on my shoulder.

I crossed my arms in front of my stomach and rolled my eyes once more.

"Seriously Dean, she started it!" Layla accused as Roman held onto her, making sure she didn't try to come attack me or something.

"Layla, that's super cute that you think I started it, but you're the one who fucked my boyfriend with a hug on Smackdown, AND you're the one who's always shooting me those jealous eyes."

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