Chapter Forty Three ;; Fear The Unknown

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Seth and I were walking backstage trying to find The Shield's locker room. Like always he was holding my hand and I was carrying his money in the bank, which was pretty beat up, considering he's curb stomp like three or four people on it.

As we were walking, we made sure to stay aware of our surroundings because we still had no clue who those strangers were and what they wanted. I was very cautious because I didn't want Seth getting hurt again.. I mean last week on RAW, The Shield got beat up so bad they couldn't even make it to Smackdown and I really didn't want any repeats of that.

Seth noticed the door that read "THE SHIELD" and he opened it, so I stepped inside, he followed behind me. The first thing I saw when I walked in was Dean sitting in a chair, pitting black tape around his hands, and he had headphones in, which explained why he didn't even acknowledge the fact we walked in. I looked up at Seth and he gave me that look like "go ahead" so I proceeded to take Dean's headphones out of his ears.

"Hey it was getting to my favorite part of the song!" He shouted.

"We have bigger problems than that, alright?" Seth shouted back.

Dean stood up and walked closer to us.

"Wait, where's Roman?" I asked.

"Not here yet," Dean answered.

"Are you sure?" I questioned.

"Well do you see him?" Dean sarcastically remarked.

"Well after last week with those freaks I just wasn't sure okay!" I sort of raised my voice, sounding a bit stressed out and Seth stepped in between Dean and me. "Calm down, alright! Roman isn't our problem, its those freaks who attacked us last week." Seth admitted.

Dean just nodded his head in agreement as Seth continued to speak, "We shoud call them out tonight and show them what happens when you become guilty of injustice."

I put my hand on Seth's shoulder and turned him toward me. "Seth I don't think you gus should do that, I mean don't you remember last week, I think you need a new plan."

Seth glared at me, he look kind of shocked at what I was saying. " A new plan?" he questioned.

"Yes Seth, a new plan." I quickly responded.

"After what they did to us last week and how they got pleasure out of watching you cry, you think we should just let it go?" Seth continued to question me.

"I'm not saying that, I just don't want you going out there asking for an ass kicking!" I started to get a little annoyed with him, but finally Dean butted in.

"She's has a point man-" Dean started to say.. but Seth cut him off. "A point, huh? I'm going to wait for Roman outside." he angrily said and left the room and as I tried to follow after him Dean grabbed my arm gently and said, "he'll come around, let him cool off." I sighed and followed Dean to the chairs, where we sat down.

I sat there with my head in my hands just looking at the ground, I was just so frustrated with Seth and how complicated he was being, but as soon as I heard the door open I jumped out of my chair and started to say "Se-"

I was cut off by the sight of one of the strangers staring right at me. I immediately started to back up and that's when Dean got in front of me.

Dean instantly started throwing punches as I tried my best to head to the door, but I couldn't find away around them. The stranger backed Dean up hard against the wall and Dean fell to the floor. I quickly ran over to Dean's side and tried my best to sit him up, but as I was doing that the Stranger walked right up to me to the point I was pinned between him and the wall.

"Please just leave us alone," I shouted at him.

He responded by taking his hand and rubbing my cheek. I tried to move my head back, but I was so close to the wall, there wasn't much moving I could do. He proceeding to move his hand down to my stomach and started to rub it. The fact he was showing interest in my babies really freaked me out and I couldn't help but start to cry.


Roman arrived backstage and we started to walk back to our locker room. I was still annoyed with Leah and Dean because of our disagreement, but I was starting to unerstand where they were coming from.

I wanted to apologize to them for being such a jerk, but as I approached the locker room I noticed two of the guys who attacked us last week were standing in front of our door. The only thing I could think about was where the hell is the other one and they better not so much as look at Leah again. Not sure what came over me, but without thinking I attacked one of them and Roman got the other.

I struggled with him for a few minutes, but I finally over powered him, slamming him into the brick walls. As he fell to the floor I took of into the locker room where I saw Dean lying against the wall and what it looked to be Leah next to him. I couldn't fully make out it was her because one of the other strangers were standing in front of her.

Roman then came into the locker room and started hitting him with a chair, which finally caused him to flee. I ran over to Leah and helped her to her feet, with my hand on her stomach I asked, "are you guys okay?"

"I'm okay, just Dean took a hard hit." Leah responded. As she answered me, Roman helped Dean to his feet and he appeared to be okay as well.

I wiped tears away from Leah's face and said, "I'm sorry for being a jerk-" She cut me off by saying, "Its okay babe, just hold me."

So I pulled her into me and she rested her head on my chest and before I rested my chin on her head, I kissed it.

Dean, Roman, and me just looked at each other like WHAT THE FUCK?

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