Chapter Thirty Six ;; Time Stands Still Part II

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I was able to catch myself with my arms before completely hitting the ground. My hearing was faded by the roar of the gun shot. I looked up to see Randy had fled. I went around to the other side of Bray and picked Leah off the floor. "Are you okay?" I asked frantically as I moved my hands around her to see if I could see or feel any bullet wounds.

"I'm fine Seth," she sort of raised her voice. We noticed a puddle of blood from underneath Bray's head. Leah immediately fell to her knees.

"OMG BRAY! NO PLEASE, BRAY!" She started to yell and cry hysterically as she held his head in her lap. I knelt down beside her as I tried to apply pressure to the bullet wound he had in his head. I started to get a little emotional myself.


Dean, Layla, and I begin to question each other about what was taking the others so long. That's when we heard this loud bang, followed by a few screams. We all were startled, but I insisted they stay put while I check outside the room.

As I opened the door I noticed someone who looked very suspicious running for the nearest exit. Without thinking I tackled them to the ground, which was pretty rock, solid. His bag was thrown from his hands as I noticed Dean approaching us. He noticed who it was almost immediately.


As I heard a loud smack, I shot up out of my seat and ran toward the door. I ordered Layla to remain in the locker room. I saw Roman on top of someone, but I couldn't make out who it was, so I got closer.

"RANDY!?" I shouted, I couldn't believe he was here, I thought he was in jail. But that wasn't even the craziest part. I noticed the bag that had been ripped from him due to Roman tackling him. I saw what appeared to be half of a gun sticking out and that's when I became unglued.

"Stay here with him, I gotta find the others!" I yelled, starting to run down the hall way, but there was no way I could prepare myself for the sight I was about to see.

I ran over to the scene as quickly as I could. Seth and Leah were both struggling to control Bray's blood loss. I took off my shirt and handed it to them.

"Come on Bray, please pull through man." I heard Seth plead as Leah cried.


I was crying harder than I ever had cried. I couldn't lose Bray, he was the only family I ever really had. Thinking about this only made the tears fall faster.

The paramedics arrived and took over. I had no clue at this point who had called 9-11, but I didn't care to find out, I just wanted them to help my brother. I was covered in Bray's blood from head to toe and Seth assisted me in getting back on my feet. I just hugged him tighter than I ever had, crying into his chest.

I lifted my head from Seth's chest and noticed the paramedics putting a blanket over Bray. I instantly broke Seth's grasp. I tried my best to run toward where Bray was lying, but Dean caught me, as I fell to the floor. In that moment It was like time stopped. I felt like I was about to die, I almost wanted to. Every inch of me ached.

"NOOOOOOOO! "I screamed and cried.

"BRAYYYYYYYYYY!" I started to wail at this point. Both Dean and Seth held me, as they cried too.

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