Chapter Twenty Two ;; Clearing Things Up

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I was just about to go to sleep when I heard Leah enter the room. I could tell she was distraught. I couldn't even talk before she blew up..

"Bray, why didn't you tell me about you and Paige?"

"Because it wasn't important."

"Wasn't important? You guys dated or whatever it is you did."

"We did Leah, but it wasn't anything that lasted long, it was back when we were in NXT together. We were mainly really good friends, but we don't even talk now, she's too much of a bitch now, she let success get to her head or something, I explained, but what is that even important to you?"


I knew I was lashing out on my brother. No I wasn't happy he had some secret relationship with Paige awhile back, but that wasn't where my anger was coming from. I was pissed at Paige for messing up every little bit of my love life and frustrated at Randy for how controlling he was being, but I didn't want my brother to know anything, he would just freak out and overreact, so I just kept it to myself.

I cooled down and said "Its not Bray, I just had a bad day, I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it Leah, I understand, I'm just going to sleep, don't forget to turn off the bathroom light after you shower again," he said laughing.

He managed to spark a smile, "I'm actually going to stay with Randy tonight."

"Oh, is something going on I should know about?

"No Bray, were just trying to work things our right now."

"Alright little sis, I love you, goodnight."

"Goodnight Bray."

As I shut the door behind me, I wanted to run right back in his room, lock the door and just stay in there, but I knew Randy wouldn't like that, so I proceeded to make my way to his room.

"Hey baby girl," he said as I entered the room.

"Hi Randy," I responded, not sounding as nearly as eenthusiastic as he did.

"I'm sorry about how I acted in the parking lot, I just don't want to be away from you another night and now I know were having baby, I want to keep both of you safe," he explained.

Hearing him say those words actually made me happy and part of me could understand where he was coming from, so I smiled, put my hand on his face, and said "Its ok Randy, I forgive you."

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