Chapter Forty Seven ;; Conquer

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The Shield and I were hanging out in their locker room as we always did. They had a huge match tonight and I was excited to see them finally give Bo what he deserved.

Suddenly we heard the door open, of course we couldn't just get ready peacefully, in walked Bo, Erick, and Luke.. Along with some camera men. Dean, Seth, and Roman immediately got in front of me.

"Aww don't worry little hounds, I'm here to see you, not my sister." Bo admitted with a smirk.

"It's okay, our match can start now," Dean said, starting go after Bo, but Roman and Seth held him back.

"We'll see you boys later tonight," Roman confirmed.

Bo looked between Seth and Dean and gave me an evil smile before leaving the room. Luke and Erick followed him.

Seth turned to me and said, "Leah, I think its best is you stay backstage tonight, it may get a little rough out there tonight."

I wanted to be out there with them, but I understood what Seth was saying, and I knew he just wanted me to be safe, so I agreed without question.

It was getting to be close to the time of their match, so they all got up and prepared to exit the room. Seth gave me a small peck on the lips before turning toward the door.

"WAIT!" I yelled at him, which caused him, Dean, and Roman to stop. I then ran up to Seth and gave him a big a hug, squeezing him a bit. "Be careful." I whispered to him.

I let up from the hug and Dean walked up to me. He took his Shield, dog tags off and put them around my neck. "Roman and I got Seth's back, don't you worry." Dean assured me. I looked over at Roman, who nodded his head in agreement before they all started to continue leaving. Clutching the dog tags Dean had just given me, I shouted out, "good luck!"



Our theme hit as we made our way through the crowd. I followed behind Dean and Roman followed behind me. Like always, Dean jumped over the barricade, and before doing my whole ninja flip over it, I tossed my Money In The Bank to Dean. Roman followed by jumping over too as Dean and I got into the ring. One Roman was in the ring, we all waited for our opponents.

A few moments past as we waited, expecting some kind of theme music to hit for them, but we were instantly thrown off by the lights shutting off. After a few seconds they turn back on and Bo, Luke, and Erick were staring us down from the other side of the ring. An almost instant fist fight broke out.

The referee directed four of us onto the apron as Roman and Luke were to start the match. Once it was only them two in the ring, the ref rang the bell. Roman and Luke locked up immediately to get the match underway...


Roman an Luke were both down, struggling to get a tag. The crowd was clapping saying, "Lets go Roman!"

I could tell he fed off the energy of the crowd cause' he suddenly found the strength to jump up for the tag, which he tagged me in and rolled out of the ring. At the same time, Bo was tagged.

Instead of running in after Bo, I jumped up on the ropes to hit a springboard, high knee. Once I caught him with it I went to swing off the ropes, into a curb stomp, but Luke grabbed my leg, causing my face to crash into the mat. I instantly grabbed my head as I felt the impact. I went to reach for a tag to Dean, but Erick pulled him off the apron, resulting in Bo going for a roll up, but I kicked out at two. I quickly shot up, hitting the enzuigiri. He hit the ground hard as I went to once again try and tag Dean in.


I was climbing back onto the apron and noticed Seth coming for the tag. I reached out my hand to accept his tag and I immediately ran in the ring, grabbed Bo, and hit my Dirty Deeds. As I turned him around to pin him, Luke and Erick got into the ring, but Roman caught Luke with the spear as Seth performed another enzuigiri, but this time to Erick. I stuck out my tongue as the referee proceeded to count.



Our music hit once more and we celebrated our win. Seth hugged me, before beating on his chest as he always did. We put our fist together and yelled "BELIEVE IN THE SHIELD!"


I couldn't wait to get to Leah and celebrate with her, I knew she must have been really happy and I always loved seeing her beautiful smile. Every since I first seen it at the party, nearly 6 months back. It was awhile ago, but I still remembered it like it was yesterday.

Dean, Roman, and I made it to our locker room and as we walked in, I noticed Leah on her knees, she appeared to be in pain. I instantly went to her side, trying to help her to her feet.

"Are you okay Leah?" I franticly questioned her.

She was barely able to stand and she had he hand on her stomach. "Seth, I think the babies are coming." she explained painfully.

Hearing her say that sent my nerves into a scramble as I picked her up, bridal style. "Lets go guys, we need to get her to the hospital now." I demanded. Dean and Roman quickly complied.

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