Chapter Forty - The Challenge

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Tonight is a special live Smackdown and I was crazy excited! I even packed some new ring attire that I was currently putting on, in front of the mirror. It was tonight that I had something special plan for our divas champion, Paige. Just thinking about it all made me smile as I continued to get dressed.

"Someone's happy." Roman said as he entered his locker room, which I was still topless.

"Hmm, you could say that." I said as I walked up to him.

"Why is that?" he questioned as he put his arms around my waist.

"Its just a special night, not to mention I have the perfect guy to share it with." I flirtatiously responded as he picked me up and started kissing me.



Oooooohhhhhhh tear the stars out from the sky....

My music hit as I made my way down to the ring, my title in hand. I had something to get off my chest tonight. The energy of the crowd was annoying, considering most were booing me. I layed my title down on the apron, hoped up, and did my little scream thing I always did and the boos grew louder. And as I picked up my championship and held it high above my head, they grew even louder.

I got in the ring by sliding between the bottom and middle ropes, walked over to the front of the ring, and was handed a mic.

"Ummm" I cleared my throat as I was about to speak. I went to say my first word, but it was overpowered by the crowd who were chanting, "THIS IS OUR HOUSE! THIS IS OUR HOUSE!"

I couldn't help but laugh a bit. "Haha, that's funny guys, but last time I checked, I'm the one standing in the ring right now and you guys are just sitting in the audience! And all you ladies out there are just jealous because I'm the top women around here," I raised my title as I spoke.

"And even if you were in this ring with me, none of you would have the courage, the confidence, to challenge me for my divas title. In fact none of the girls in the back do-"

I was cut off by the sound of Layla's music.


I'm insatiable, I can't get enough...

The sound of my music lit up the arena and the fans went crazy. I was power walking down the ramp, mic in hand, ready to speak my mind. I noticed Paige laughing at the sight of me, so that pissed me off even more and as I stepped into the ring I started to speak. "Much like me, these fans out here don't care what you have to say, in fact why are we still talking?" I threw down my mic and jumped on top of her. I started to punch, slap, and just claw at her. I wanted to fuck her up, but just as quickly as I attacked her, she rolled at of the ring with her title.

I picked the mic I had dropped and a little out of breath I said, "You wanna run Paige? Fine, but three weeks at Royal Rumble, there won't be any of that because I'm challenging you to a match at Royal Rumble, for the divas championship!" The crowd went nuts.

She deathly started at me, holding he face. She was screaming something at me, but I had no idea what, but I didn't care because I was looking forward to shutting her up at the Rumble.

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