Chapter Thirty Five ;; Time Stands Still

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I woke up, stretch, and took a breath of fresh air. The past few days with Seth have been some of the greatest days of my life.. He took care of me so well. We stayed up most nights just talking and watching movies, which he always let me choose the ones I wanted. Anytime I had a craving for something he would go out and get it for me. He even made me breakfast.. Everything was just perfect and thinking about it all made me want to give him a good morning kiss, so I leaned over his chest and gave him a small peck on the lips, which woke him up.

"Good morning," I sweetly said, as he opened his eyes.

"Good morning baby." He responded in his sleepy, deep voice that I adored so much.

"Its time to get up, you have a big match today!" I mentioned, very enthusiastically.

I felt one of my babies kick. "See I'm not the only one who thinks you should get up."

"Alright, Alright I'm getting up." He said as he swung the covers off him. "You seem more excited for this match than me," he laughed.

Smiling, I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around the back of his neck. "I'm just excited to see my man in action is all," I bit my bottom lip.

"Ohh is that right," he said in a sexy voice, as he leaned down to kiss me.

"Mmm yess that's right," I managed to add between all the kissing.


I arrived backstage at TLC, along with Roman and Layla. As I was walking past a group of divas, I could hear Paige's agonizing, English accent. "Apparently Leah likes my sloppy seconds." I heard her say.

"So what are we talking about ladies?" I said as I wrapped my arm around Paige. She quickly threw it off and as she was about to speak I put my hand in front of her face.

"Someone besides Paige answer, I really can't hear that accent speak another word."

"Oh its nothing Dean" Summer Rae quickly responded.

Layla grabbed Summer's phone out of hand.


I snatched Summer's phone from her to see what they were all gossiping about. I noticed it was a picture of Seth and Leah walking out of the hospital a few days back. Knowing they were pathetic enough to talk about poor Leah, annoyed me. I couldn't understand why they would trash such a sweet girl. I was almost ashamed of being a diva for a moment.

"All of you girls need to get over yourselves," I said with tons of attitude, as I threw Summer's phone back at her. I noticed Paige sort of snickering, so I walked up to her and stood face to face with her.

"You Paige, are the worst, your just a jealous-" before I could say anything else she slapped me and all the other divas scattered. "You bitch!" I screamed as I tackled her to the floor. I was so lost in the fighting I didn't notice we had actually fell on Dean.

Roman pulled me off Paige and I kicked and fought my best to be released from his grasp, but he finally turned me toward him and I stopped fighting. I noticed Dean on the ground, kind of brushing off his face. Roman held his hand out to help him up.

"Is there a reason girls always throw themselves at me?" he joked.

"I'm sorry Dean, she just needed to be hit." I said, trying to not laugh at his smart ass ways.

"Nah, its okay Lay, she deserves worst." Dean said, sort of evily, but then again half the shit he says sounds like that.


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