Chapter Twelve ;; Cloudy

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I noticed Leah hadn't returned yet, so it worried me a little. I decided to make a stop at Seth's locker room to check up on her.

As I entered the room the first thing I noticed was Seth yelling and trying to pull Paige off of someone. I didn't realized who at first, but it wasn't long until I realized it was Leah.

Seth got ahold of Paige and I ran over to check on Leah. She was laying against the wall and she had been knocked out. I was almost certain the that was caused by her head smacking against the wall, but the blows she took to the face didn't really help it either.


I almost didn't believe Leah when she said it, but the way Paige reacted proved she was guilty.

I was finally able to get Paige off of Leah. I didn't really want to touch Paige after hearing Leah explaine how she cheated on me, but I couldn't let her keep beating up Leah, it was almost as if she wanted to kill her. I knew there was a lot more going on then what I was told, but I didn't have any idea what.

"Just go," I yelled at Paige.

As she exited, Dean picked Leah up and started walking with her in his arms to get her some help. I ran ahead of them and was yelling for the doctor to check on her. I can't believe Leah was hurt this bad just because she wanted me to know the truth.. I had no clue Paige was capable of such actions. I couldn't help but reply Leah's last words over and over inside my head, they were haunting me. I needed her to be okay, I just needed her to be okay.

All these thoughts caused me to cry.


My vision was very cloudy and I couldn't hear much of anything. I kept falling in and out of consciousness. I could make out Dean's face and Seth's voice, but barely. I could feel this pounding feeling in my head and then something in me clicked, "My baby." I said kind of softly.

"Leah, did you say something," Dean asked frantically.

"My baby," I said a little louder before drifting back off into unconsciousness.

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