Chapter Eight ;; The Party Part II

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I looked at Dean with a confused look.. I couldn't really comprehend why he cared so much about me, he'd stop me from hitting Paige or maybe he was trying protect her? I didn't have any answers only questions. I stared at him for another minute until I worked up the courage to ask, "Why did you do that?"

"Do what, Dean said, stop you from making a mistake?"

"A mistake, I don't get it?"

"Don't act like you don't know what I'm taking about, you were giving Seth those I wanna kiss you, marry you, and have babies with you eyes."

I just stared at him for a moment and he added, "I stopped you because I didn't want you to give Seth a reason to hate you, he really like this Paige girl, so if you woud have harmed her, he probably wouldn't like you too much."

I didn't really know how to respond to Dean or what to say, but he was right and I was suddenly relieved he had stopped me. But only if he knew my true motives on why I wanted to pound her face in. Dean is Seth's best friend, how could I tell Dean about Paige cheating on Seth.. Oh god Seth would be devestated, but doesn't he deserve to know the truth? Speaking of the truth how could I even allow myself to crush on someone right now. I'm pregnant and who would wanna deal with that? Ugh I feel like breaking down, I just don't what to do.


I noticed Leah getting a little teary-eyed. I could tell she had a lot on her mind.

"Here, I said reaching out my hand, come with me."

I could sense her heisitant nature, but she ended up taking my hand. I brought her into the room where Roman and I were hanging out.

"Leah this is Roman, Roman this Leah."


I was sitting on the couch, watching some action crap, waiting for Dean to come back. Last thing I knew he was going out in the party to get him some food or something.

The door opened and Dean walked in with a girl, which wasn't too surprising, I mean he's Dean Ambrose, he's a ladies man. Dean proceeded to introduce us;

"Your Bray's sister, right.?"

"Yes I am."

"Oh well any sister of Bray's is a sister of mine."

She giggled.


It felt nice to be in this room where I could actually hear myself think, I decided to just hang out with them for the rest of my night, but of course all I really wanted was Seth to join us, but I knew he was with Paige, so that wasn't going to happen.

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