Chapter Sixty Three;; Hounds Of Problems

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Still holding my cheek, I walked backstage with The Shield. I felt Seth try to wrap his arm around me, but I rejected him, by pushing his arm away from me. As I walked through the curtains I spotted Dean, who I immediately walked up to. I could hear Seth and Ro follow close behind.

"Ambrose, what the hell was that?" I angrily questioned, looking a little ridiculous, because my hand was still placed on my cheek.

He looked a little concerned, but argued back, "That's a good question Leah, maybe we should try asking Mr. Architect." Both of our attentions shifted to Seth, who was standing behind me.

"Oh, you're going to blame this on me!? You're the one who tripped me and practically gave me a concussion out there!" Seth explained in an annoyed tone.

I could see Dean kind of smirking and he replied, "dude, that was an accident."

As I realized what the were actually fighting over, I dropped my head in both my palms. Too bad that didn't prevent me from actually hearing them continue to bicker.

"Are you two kidding me? You're going to continue to point fingers and argue over a situation that you were both clearly wrong in. I get it mistakes were made, but neither of you loss a championship over it, hell you didn't lose anything, so please just STOP." I finally spoke up.

Dean and Seth both looked at me, then back at each other. I could tell there was still tension there and resentment, but they both agreed by saying, "fine."

"Now, lets go get our babies Seth, and as for you two, I said looking over at Dean and Ro, I love you guys and I see you both at Smackdown tomorrow."

They both nodded and gave me a hug goodbye. As I was hugging Dean, I whispered in his ear, "I know you're mad, but please hang in there." He gave me a look that seem so reluctant to what I had asked of him, but also seem to be a look of agreement, so I took that as him saying okay, even though he was still upset over the situation. Seth then took my hand and we started to walk together, to get our babies.


Holding one of the twins, I walked into the hotel room as I held the door open for Seth. Usually he'd be the one holding doors for me, but he was carrying both car seats, so he needed the assistance this time. I would have helped with the car seats, but Ella was crying almost the whole way here and I needed to pick her up, out of her car seat, which is why I was just carrying her.

As I saw Seth put done both car seats, I handed him Ella and said, "I'm going to go start the shower."

"Okay baby," he replied.

Walking into the bathroom, I noticed some of Seth's things already on the counter, which makes sense, since he stayed here last night too. I pulled the shower curtains to the side and started to adjust the water to where it wasn't too hot or too cold. Once it was to the temperature I wanted, I started to take off my clothes, starting with me shirt, which was actually The Shield's shirt, which I usually use as part of my ring gear. I then proceeded to remove the rest of my clothing as I felt Seth's warm arms, wrap around me.

I lied my head back against his shoulders as he started to kiss my neck some. I closed my eyes as I felt his soft kisses against my neck and his hands rub up and down my body. After a few moments, I turned myself toward him, and kissed his lips a little. He then helped me step in shower and I immediately felt the warm water hit my body. I ran my fingers through my hair a little as I felt the water soak it. Soon after, Seth joined me inside the shower and closed the curtains.

I loved the sight of the water glistening and dripping from his body, it really made me hot for him, and to make things hotter, I could see he was pretty turned on himself. He walked toward me, pinning me against the wall. I bit deeply into my lip as he picked me up. I grabbed onto him tightly as I felt his d**k slide slowly inside me. I let out a small moan as he begun to make love to me.

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