Chapter Four ;; What You've Done

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As I reached the parking lot, I dropped to my knees and pulled out my phone. I was cry hysterically at this point. I knew my only option was to call my brother, Bray and ask him where he was staying so I could stay with him for the night.


I was sitting chilling in my hotel room with Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns. Seth hadn't arrived in New York yet, but would be tomorrow, just in time for Monday Night RAW. I heard my phone. I noticed it was my sister for the second time today and got a little worried. I quickly picked up the phone, "Hey Leah, what's up?"

"I need to come stay with you tonight, so tell me where you are and please do not ask why," she responded. I could tell she sounded really upset and was fighting back tears, so I told her I was at the same hotel Randy was just in room "307."


The fact I had to walk back into the same hotel I just ran out of made me feel even worse. As I was walking inside I felt even more humilated to see Dean and Roman walking down the hall, I knew they must had been exiting Bray's room, they were all so close. I just kept my head down and walked past them, they didn't really know me anyways.

I opened my brothers door and just gave him the biggest hug I had probably ever given him. I instantly broke down in his arms and started explaining how Randy cheated on me.


My sister was just so crushed, I could hear it with every word she spoke. I wanted to go to Randy's room and just kick his ass, but I knew that's not what she would want. I ended up walking her to the couch and sitting down next to her. She continued to cry and cry until she fell asleep on me. I decided to leave her there for the night, because I didn't wanna wake her by moving her around too much. I took my comforter off my bed and put it over her and went to bed myself.

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