Chapter Sixty ;; WrestleMania

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I had Seth Jr in my arms as I walked with Seth, who had Ella in his. We were walking along the ramp of the arena and I looked up and around the empty stadium in amazement. It was hard for me to believe that I could be apart of something that felt larger than life.

I walked closer to Seth and spoke sweetly to Ella and Seth Jr. "Daddy is going to wrestle in here today." I smiled, looking up at Seth. He smiled back at me, catching the sun's glare in his eyes.

"Mommy will too one day," he predicted.

Hearing him say those words, instantly caused me to blush. I never knew he believed in me that much and I couldn't help but to say, "I love you babe."

"I love you too baby," he replied, sealing it with a kiss.


I felt someone running up behind me, so I quickly turned around, and Bayley caught me in a hug.

"Hey girl!" She excitingly said.

I hugged her back and responded, "Hey Bayley!"

As she released me from her hug, I look over ad saw Sami, who was also with her. "Its really nice to see you guys here," I admitted.

"You too Leah, where's Mr. Mom at?" Sami joked.

We all let out laughter before I answered, "He's with the babies, along with The Shield brothers in their locker room, I just left for a minute to get us all some water."

"Oh." Bayley said, sounding a little concerned.

I looked over at her becoming worried. "Is everything okay?" I questioned.

"I saw Layla and The Authority walking toward The Shield's locker room." Bayley explained.

I felt myself become annoyed. "Are you serious!?" I thought to myself.

"I'm sorry guys, I gotta go." I said as I took off back to The Shield's locker room, nearly dropping the water in the process.

I finally arrived to the door of their locker room and entered. Upon entering, it was confirmed to me that The Authority and Layla were in fact in the room.

"Can we help you?" Layla asked.

"You can leave." I rudely responded, handing Dean, Seth, and Roman a water.

"Me leave? Last time I checked, your not even suppose to be in here!" Layla barked.

"She's right," Stephanie added. Right then something in me just snapped, I grabbed the water I had given to Dean and thew it on Layla, but it also splashed Stephanie a bit, which wasn't my intentions.

Stephanie threw her hands up and her facial expression turned angry.

"Alright, since you all want to fight dirty, tonight's triple threat main event, is officially a no disqualification match!" Triple H announced, while comforting Steph. I could feel Seth stand up behind me in frustration and my heart collapsed at the newly added stipulation as The Authority and Layla left the room. I turned around and instantly freaked out "Oh my god guys, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean-"

I silenced myself as I saw Seth kick the wall. He was so angry and I could understand why. First they took his Money In The Bank freedom away and now he's forced to be in a no DQ match with his best friend and Brock Lesnar. I mean its bad enough he has to face Dean, but Brock too! I could feel his pain.

"Calm down man," Dean said, putting his hands on Seth's chest.

"Calm down? Man, were you listening to what The Authority just said?" Seth argued.

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