Chapter Thirty Three ;; Give Me Life

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I woke up to a movement in my stomach that made me gasp. Seth, who was lying next to me, holding me, was startled.

"What's wrong Leah?" he qusetioned.

"The babies, their kicking."

"Their?" he confusingly asked,

"Yeah, I'm having twins."

He smiled at me and put his hand on my stomach, to feel the babies.

"Settle down you two, your mommy needs some sleep," he whispered, starting to giggle.

I giggled along with him.

As the babies settled down, he pulled me into him and I rested my head on his chest. He drifted back off almost immediately but I lied there smiling and thinking, for the first time I actually felt like I had a little family and it was the best feeling ever! I just finally thought everything would be okay.


As I opened my eyes, I noticed Leah still fast asleep with her head on my chest. She still had bruises all over her neck and face, but I saw right through them, it was as if they weren't even there. She just looked so beautiful. I didn't want to wake her, so I just continued to lie there.

The nurse waked in the room and it instantly woke Leah up. It sort of annoyed me, but I let it go.

"Good morning Leah, we just need to get you up, to give you an ultra sound before you leave today." she informed.

"Okay," Leah agreed.

As she started to get up, I told her to wait. She stopped and I got up, went to the other side of the bed, and helped her up out of the bed. She smiled at me with the same beautiful smile I saw when we first met, back at the party, nearly 2 months ago and thanked me.

As she began to walk out of the room, she looked back at me.

"Are you coming?" She asked sweetly.

"Do you want me to?"

"Yes please."

I was surprised she actually wanted me to go with her. Ultra sounds are something that's usually for the mother and father, but I was happy to be there for her and wanted to be. I took her hand and we followed the doctor to the ultra sound room.


Seth was standing next to me, as I lied there, on the bed, waiting on the doctor. He was holding my hand and with one of his hands and playing with my hair with the other. I couldn't help, but smile at him as the doctor walked in.

As she began the ultra sound, part of me got nervous.

"Both babies look great! They seem to be growing healthy, and developing as we expect from twins," the doctor said happily, as she began to play the heartbeats for us.

Heaaring my baby's heart beat always made me so happy and even brought tears to my eyes, but hearing two, healthy, strong, heart beats was such unbelievable. Tears filling my eyes, I glanced over at Seth and His face was like mine, amazed and overjoyed.

"Are you guys wanting to know the gender of the your babies?" The doctor asked.

"Oh he's isn't-" I started to say as Seth interupted me.

"We just want to be surprised," Seth announced.

I looked up at him sort of confused, but I just went with it.

The doctor smiled and nodded her head. "Okay Leah, well since everything checked out, you are welcome to leave anytime you like today," she added.

Seth thanked her as she left the room.


I helped Leah sit up and I could tell she seemed confused.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, you just amaze me," she said, looking down with a smile.

I started to laugh a little. "I amaze you?" I questioned, as I put my hand under her chin to move her head back up.

"You pretty much just called my babies, your babies." she said.

I looked into her eyes for a short moment before I started to speak, "Leah, I love you, and I want you to be here for you through everything. You need someone to take care of you and so do these babies."

Leah butted in, "But Seth you shouldn't have to deal with this or me."

I sat down next to Leah and took her hand. "I'm not dealing with anything love, your not a problem. This is what I want to do. You and the babies, is what want, and hearing those heart beats, I just couldn't understand how Randy could give this all up, give you up.


As Seth was explaining all this to me, tears of happiness filled my eyes. I couldn't believe someone could actually cared this much about me..

I just swung my arms around him and hugged him tightly, as if I never wanted to let go. He then kissed me forehead and held me close.

"Your my girl now Leah," he added.

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