Chapter Forty Nine ;; We Need You

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I approached the nursery along with Dean and Roman. We were all very eager to meet the babies. Once we were there one of the nurses directed us toward the twins.

They were both bundled up in a blanket, wearing little, knit hats. They were so beautiful and precious. I instantly wanted to hold them.

The nurse picked up my son and handed him to me. He felt lighter than a feather, but warm in my arms. I looked down at him in pure amazement, for a moment I couldn't hear anything and no worry clouded my head. I ran my finger gently against his soft, rosey cheeks.

With him still in my arms, I turned to face Dean and Roman who were passing around my daughter. I walked up to Dean, who had her in his arms and said, "looks like a daddy's girl to me."

Dean smiled and said, "Nah man, that's a face of a Lunatic Fringe fan girl."

"Is that so boys? I think she looks like more of a let it reigns type of gal." Roman joked.

We all shared a good laugh before it was broken up by the voice of the doctor. I instantly glared up at her.

"Leah is now in a recovery room, we were able to stabilize her, but she hasn't woke up yet. You guys may go to the recovery room and wait for her to wake up, even bring the babies if you like." the doctor said.

I nodded my head in agreement as I laid my son back down in the hospital grade bassinet.

"You guys head to the room, we'll bring the babies in a few minutes." the nurse offered.

"Alright." I agreed as Dean, Roman, and I all headed to Leah's recovery room. As I walked into the room I saw Leah, laying on her back, asleep. She has an IV in her wrist and an oxygen mask over her mouth and nose. The sight of it all made me shed a tear. Roman patted me on the back to let me know he was here for me.

As we got farther in the room, Dean and Roman sat on the couch in the room and I grabbed a chair that was against the wall and moved it to Leah's bedside and sat down. A few moments later, nurses wheeled our babies into the room, letting me know they had already fed them and changed them. I thanked them and the left the room. I looked back at Dean and Roman who had fallen asleep, I couldn't blame them though, it was 4am and had been a long night.

I gripped Leah's hand, rested my head on her bed, and fell asleep as well.

I suddenly woke up to crying. I walked over to my daughter, and picked her up. I started to rock her and say "shhhhhh, daddy's here." As she quieted down, I walked back over to Leah's bedside and sat down in the chair, with my daughter still in my arms.

I took Leah by the hand and said, "Leah, baby, I don't know if you can hear me, but these babies are beautiful, just like their mom and I really hope you wake up soon, because WE need you, I need you."

I felt Leah grip my hand.


I woke up to the sound of a baby crying, I didn't moved because I noticed Seth was attending to them. As the crying stop, I felt him take my hand and he started to melt my heart with his words. Once I heard him finish, I gripped his hand, letting him know I heard him.

I took the oxygen mask off my face and turned my head toward Seth and said, "I need you guys more than you could ever know."

Seth's face instantly filled with happiness. "Good morning, beautiful." he complimented. I thought he was crazy for saying that, I mean lets be honest, I just gave birth, so I was more of a mess than anything, but still hearing him call me that always spark a smile on my face.

"Help me sit up, so I can hold my baby girl." I said, so Seth did just that. We both stared at her as I begun to cry. "She really is beautiful," I admitted as Seth kissed the top of my head. It wasn't long before our other baby started to cry. "I got him," Seth offered, as he got up to get our son. He brought him to my bedside as well.

"Switch with me?" I asked.

"Of course, baby." Seth insisted.

"Awww, what a happy family." I heard a voice say. I looked up and noticed it was Dean, which made me smile.

"Yeah, almost like those families you see, in the picture that comes with a new picture frame." I heard another voice say. I soon realized it was Roman, who I was also happy to see.

"Did you guys meet your Niece and Nephew yet?" I questioned them.

"Yes we did." Roman admitted.

"So what are we going to name these little Dean Ambrose fans?" Dean asked in a joking manner.

Me and Seth looked at each other and smiled.

"Her name is Brayella because Bray always wanted a little girl, so I wanted to pay a little tribute to him." I explained as tears tickled my cheeks. Seth quickly wiped them away.

"And his name, Seth started to explain while playfully rubbing our son's nose, who was in my arms, is Seth Jr. named after yours truly."

We laughed at the sound of Seth's cockiness. "Well Mr. yours truly, Mrs. yours truly is hungry."

"I'm hungry too," Dean admitted.

"Do you want me to go get you something?" Seth asked, sweetly.

"Please do babe," I responded all flirty like.

"Alright, what do you want?" Seth asked.

"You know what I like," I said with a wink.

"Whoa, you guys seriously just had twins," Dean jokingly remarked, making us laugh again.

"Well Dean and I will go get food and Roman can stay here with you and the babies." Seth said.

"That's fine," I agreed. Seth then kissed me and proceeded to leave along with Dean.


I arrived at the hospital, pretty well rested. I sort of refused to stay all night, last night. I was walking to Leah's recovery room when I spotted her through the glass wall. Roman was sitting in a chair, next to her bed, holding one of the twins. She was holding the other twin.

They were laughing and I instantly became jealous and pissed off. She tried to get my boyfriend to watch her give birth, now she's having a little family type moment with him, like damn what the hell is her problem. Maybe I should get pregnant, get beat up by Paige, and lose a brother, maybe I could get attention too.

Ugh, just thinking about how much of an attention whore she was just sickened me. I then got myself together and walked into her room.

"Hey Ro Boo, hey Leah girl!" I said acting fake.

"Hey Lay." Leah responded.

"How are you and these two beauties?" I asked looking down at one of the twins.

"We are doing really good." Leah admitted.

"Hey, Ro Boo, lets go get some breakfast," I asked him while standing next to his chair.

"They guys just went to get us something, plus I promised Seth, I'd stay here with Leah and help her with the babies." Roman answered.

My heart filled with Rage as I looked over at a wall and rolled my eyes, I didn't want Leah or Roman to noticed how annoyed I was.

"Awww, that's okay, I'll just hang here with you, Leah, and the these two beauties." I said as I took one of the twins from Roman.

"Her name is Brayella." Roman informed and looking over at the other twin Leah was holding, he said, "His name is Seth Jr."

"Such cute names Leah." I said, not really meaning it.

Not long after, Seth and Dean both returned and we all hung out talking, eating, and passing around the babies.

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