Chapter Twenty Five ;; Shed Some Light

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I was waiting in the cafeteria for Dean for at least 10 minutes by now, which is forever, because knowing him he should be here by now.

I then heard, sweet, British, accent. "Roman! Its Dean he's hurt," Layla informed, freaking out.

"What do you mean hurt? What happened?" I started questioning as I followed her.

"I don't know, I was in the divas' locker room, which is right next to where it happened, I heard a commotion, but by the time me and a few of the other divas looked out, all we could see was Dean, face down, on the concrete."

As she explained, I could see in a distance doctors loading Dean into an ambulance. Before I could think, I took off running to Seth's locker room, so I could tell him what was going on.

I could see he was still talking Paige, but I didn't care.

"Okay Paige your going to have to move out of Seth's way because he has to come with me now." I demanded.

"Roman what's going on?" Seth worriedly asked.

"Seth you just have to come with me now, stop asking questions dude."

Without asking any further questions, Seth got up and followed me, out the door, to the car, where I started to drive to the hospital, trying to get there as quickly as I could.


I had no clue where Roman was headed and when I tried to question him, he just put off the answer. Once I saw us pull in the hospital parking lot, I loss my cool.

"OMG is it Leah?" I freaked.

"No man, its Dean." Roman made clear.

"Dean? Oh my god, why are we even still in the parking lot, lets get in there now!" I continued to freak.

Minutes were feeling like hours as I made my way to Dean's room.

Roman and I stepped in and I could see Dean laying there.

"Dean man, are you alright?" I asked him.

"Seth, Roman, its about time you guys got here.. I think I was about to jump the nurse, I mean the doctor, the nurse was kind of hot."

Roman and I laughed, "We see your still unstable, which for anyone else that would probably be unhealthy, but for you its a relief," I joked, continuing to laugh.

"Now seriously Dean, who did this to you? Who's ass does Roman and I have to kick now?"

"I don't know bro. I got hit too fast to even realize who it was." Dean explained.

"Well do you remember anything?" Roman asked.

"I remember talking to Leah." Dean answered.

"Wait Leah, what did she say?"

"She said Paige blackmailed her bro, that's why she ignored you at Smackdown last week."

"Blackmailed her with what?"

"Leah has a bit of a troubled past.. Her parents were murdered by her ex-boyfriend who abused drugs. He had her house key, so they thought she plotted it with him, but he really stole it from her. Paige was going to twist the story though and she didn't want any of us to hate her or think differently of her." Dean explained.

"So that's what Paige was talking about when she called Leah a murderer," I thought to myself.

Not know what to say or do, I just put my face in the palm of my hands and sighed.

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