Chapter Fifty Six ;; Don't Doubt Me

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I pulled myself from Seth's arms, I was just livid at this point. He sort of gave me a look like "What the hell?" I looked around at everyone who was in the room. Some were smiling, others seemed shocked. I could see Nikki and John Cena standing together, Brie and Daniel, as well as Sami Zayn and Bayley, which to be honest, made me feel even worse. These were all people who I adored, who I wanted to accept me, but here I stand, looking like a total slut.

Seth tried to put his arm around me, but I pushed it away and crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"Someone better start explaining," Dean demanded as he walked closer to where me and Seth were standing, still holding Ella in his arms.

Everyone was looking at each other and Seth finally spoke, "Who ever did this needs to take it down now!!"

"Maybe you should be a little more careful about when and who you tell," Tyson declared.

"Or better yet, maybe Leah could have stayed off her back." Natalya insulted, causing some people to actually laugh.

I put my hands on my face and started to cry. Once Seth noticed me crying, he got even more pissed and punched Tyson in the face.

Natalya immediately fell to her knees as Tyson fell to the ground, holding his face. The rest of the people at the party, backed up. I think they knew then not to mess with Seth.

I noticed Seth thinking about hitting Tyson again and that's when I decided to run to him and wrap my arms around his body. "Seth, please stop." I pleaded with him softly. I could feel his heart beat against my body, as well as his tension, but soon I felt some of it released from him as he wrapped his arms around me, rubbing his fingers through my hair.

"Both of you get the hell out of my house!" he ordered.

Natalya helped Tyson to his feet as quickly as she could and they both exited Seth's house.

Through the mess of things, something finally hit me. I remembered, just before I started opening gifts, I was speaking to Bayley when she pointed out, "Look who finally showed up." When she said that to me, I looked up to see Seth and Dean talking to each other. She had been referring to Dean who was late, but that isn't what I had a problem with. I remember Layla, appearing to be close to them as they were speaking.

As these thoughts hit me, the reality of the truth, felt like a knife being driven through my stomach. I couldn't believe it. I lifted my head from Seth's chest and directed him to loosen his grip on me. I browsed the crowd for a moment before I spotted Layla, who was standing next to Roman. I gave her a death stare before I stated to accuse her. "This was you Lay, WASN'T IT?"

Everyone's attention shifted from my words to Layla. Layla looked at me and instantly denied doing it.

I started to walk closer and closer to where she was standing and continued to accuse her. "You just can't handle me getting attention for two seconds, can you Lay, so this is what you do! Try to destroy it??"

Roman was still holding Seth Jr, but he tried his best to put his arm up at me to stop me from walking any closer and then Seth quickly grabbed me and said, "Whoa Leah, I know you're upset, but accusing Layla isn't going to help."

"ACCUSE? IS THAT WHAT I'M DOING SETH?" I snapped at him, pushing on his chest.

"Leah, you know I wouldn't do that to you." Layla added, trying to sound innocent.

Everyone began to eyeball me like I was crazy, which made me even more upset.

"ALL OF YOU ARE SERIOUSLY BUYING THIS PATHETIC, FAKE ACT OF HERS?" I screamed, looking around the room at everyone.

No one said anything, they just continued to look at me like I was crazy.

Seth put his arm on my shoulder, trying to console me, "Baby calm down."

I took a deep breath, trying to contain my frustration, but it ended coming out when tears started to fill my eyes.

"Give me my son Roman, and get your girlfriend the hell out of my sight!" I demanded as I took Seth from Roman.

I turned around and headed to the nursery with Seth in my arms. As I saw Dean, who was holding Ella, I directed him to follow me with her.


I was having mix feelings over the whole situation with Leah and Layla and if I had to be honest, I sort of blamed myself. If I wouldn't have questioned Seth about Leah then none of this would have happened.

Leah was already setting Seth down gently into the crib when I entered the nursery. She then collapsed in front of the crib and starting to cry, hysterically.

I quickly put Ella in the crib and rushed down to her side.

I pulled her head into my chest and she continued to cry.

"I'm here for you Leah." I assured her.

"Dean, I just can't handle-" that's all I could get out of her cries because I couldn't understand her. I just held her tighter. I could tell she was really convinced Layla had posted the recording and judging by her reaction, I couldn't disagree. I finally said, "If it means anything to you, I believe you."

My words must have comforted her because her cries became softer and before she could respond to me, Seth walked in.

I looked up at him before helping Leah to her feet.

"Everyone is leaving now, the shower is over." Seth informed.

"I should get going myself," I admitted. I gave Leah a gentle pat on the back and left the room, so I could head to my hotel.

I still felt really bad for her, but I was certain Seth could take care of her.


"I'm going to go to sleep," Leah spoke softly as she wiped some of her tears from her face.

I walked up to her, trying to comfort her, but she could care less for it.

"Are you really mad at me?" I asked while sighing heavily.

"You didn't take my side Seth, you didn't believe me, you just let everyone gather around me like I was some freak show!" Leah argued with me.

I was about to fight back when Ella started to cry.

"She probably needs to be changed, so you can do that while I head to bed." Leah demanded as she walked past me and out the door.

I threw my hands through my hair as I grunted in frustration.. I tried to contain it all as I picked Ella up to change her.

"There you go, daddy's girl." I said sweetly as I finished changing her. I gave her a kiss on her forehead and returned her to the crib.

I whispered to the both of them goodnight, before turning off the light and heading to my room where Leah was already in bed.

I noticed a couple blankets and my pillows, on the floor, beside the bed. I didn't even say anything to her because I didn't want to 'cause her anymore hurt. I picked up my blankets and pillows, walked over to Leah and kissed her forehead. I waited for her to say something, but she just gave the cold shoulder, so I said goodnight and left the room to lay on the couch, which I guess I'd be sleeping for the night..

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