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Yue opened the door slowly and jumped on the bed.

"Luna!!" She hugged Luna's arm. "What is it, Yue?" Luna put down her book to the side. "I've washed the dishes," she smiled at Luna. "Thank you, Yue."

"What are you reading?" Yue picked the book up. "Let me guess. It's sad?" She placed the book on Luna's lap. Luna laughed and nodded. She took the yellow covered novel and put it on her bedside table.

"You gotta read some comic sis! Sad novels are just depressing," Yue mumbled as she made her way to her own bed.

They shared a room. It wasn't a big room, but they made do. Yue's corner of the room was all pink and girly while Luna's corner was basic. Just white with some plain bed sheets. Luna leaned on the wall and watched as Yue made her way around the room.

Luna shook her head when Yue jumped back on her bed. "You're gonna break my bed one day," Luna pushed Yue's forehead. Yue laughed.

Yue showed Luna a few comics. "These are funny," she handed a purple covered comic. "Wonderland?" Luna flipped the pages. Yue nodded and waited for Luna's reaction.

"Seems fun but I'll stick to my sad novel," Luna placed back the comic on Yue's lap.


Luna means moon.

Hendery closed the purple covered comic and put it on the bedside table. He pulled his covers up, ready for sleep.

A soft knock on his door stunted his actions.

"Can I come in?" a soft voice asked from the other side.
"Come come!!" He replied and quickly sat on his bed. The door swung open and Kelly walked in with a bowl of popcorn and some drinks.

"I need a bitch friend tonight," she sat on his bed and handed him the drinks. He smiled and scooted over.

"What's up?" He took some popcorn and shoved it in his mouth. "My boyfriend is being a pain in the ass again," Kelly mumbled as she munch on the popcorn. Hendery nodded and listened to her rambling on and on about how her boyfriend was being a prick.

"As a bitch friend, I'll say girl he needs to step up his game!! As your little brother, find another man. You deserve better," he sipped on the orange juice. Kelly turned to him and softly punched his cheeks.

"I love him."
"Does he love you, though?"


I sometimes wish I'm you.

She quickly turned of her alarm and got off the bed. As early as 5 am, Luna's day started. She slowly exited the room and proceeded to clean the whole house.

She swept and mopped the floor, did the laundry, and made breakfast. It's always some kind of rice and some stew.

By the time she was done with the chores, the clock barely struck 6.

"Yue, wake up. Time for school," she softly tapped Yue's cheek.

"5 more minutes," she mumbled. Luna chuckled and turned on the lights. "Luna!!" Yue immediately woke up.

"Luna more rice," Yun handed her his bowl.
"Go and refill yourself. The rice cooker is over there," she didn't even budge from her seat. Without warning, Yun slid the bowl across the table and it fell on the floor, all shattered.

Luna raised her head from her bowl. "What the....."

"Listen to me. I am the man of this household. Get me more rice," he slammed his chopsticks on the table. Luna took a deep breath and got off her seat, grabbed another bowl and filled it with rice.

"Here you go, your majesty," she placed the bowl in front of him. She then picked up the broken shards of bowl on the floor.

"About time," he scoffed and shoved the rice into his mouth. Mrs Hua just ate silently. Yue wanted to help Luna but she knew well if she did, Yun would repeat his actions just to annoy Luna.


You should be proud of me by now.

Hendery turned on the lights. He reached for his spectacles and put them on. "Ah 10 am. Mom did me dirty," he mumbled and jumped off his bed.

"You didn't wake me," he sat on the chair and quickly took a dough and filled it.

"I figured you'd want to sleep more."
"Mom, I work here now. Wake me up next time," he whined yet his hands were quick to fold the dumplings.

"Alright. I will," his mother nodded.

The youngest out of 2 siblings, Hendery was a very clingy child. Sometimes his mother regretted sending him away for study, because he came back a different persona. He no longer clings and that's the biggest regret Mrs Wong had.

"Mom, table 3 wants a party serving of dumplings to go," Kelly entered the kitchen.
"Party serving? Seems like I won't be eating dumplings for a long time," Hendery shook his head.

He liked making dumplings unlike Kelly who would rather be a server. Hendery enjoyed watching the little folds of the dough or maybe because he grew up watching his mother fold them day and night.


Luna barely got time to breathe. She was all over the store. One second at the front desk, the next helping some customers fitting into their dresses.

"Why are you sitting around! Go and do something," Yun slapped the back of her head, hard. Luna turned to him and glared.

"What's with that glare?" He slapped her head again.


Hendery froze when he saw the man slapped Luna's head. He slowly pushed the door open and walked in.

"Delivery," he said and put the food containers on the front desk.

"Aha right on time," Yun quickly swooped two portions and walked away. Luna just watched him walk away with her portion of the lunch.

"Okay.... . Starving again I guess," she muttered under her breath as she took out the money to pay for the meal.

"Hey, want some?" Hendery held out a chocolate bar. Luna smiled and shook her head. "It's okay."

"Take it. I have another one," he placed the chocolate bar on the front desk and left.

Chocolate, huh?

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