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Luna woke up to noises outside the bedroom. She could hear Kelly rambling over something to Hendery. She got off the bed only to realised that she bled all over the bedsheets. Quickly Luna pulled her blanket and wrapped it around her waist.

Luna slowly opened the door. She saw Kelly standing in the hallway.

"Psst. Kelly," Luna whispered.
"Do you have a... um... a..."
"A what Luna?"
"Sanitary pad?"
"No. I ran out of them. Do you need them now?"

Luna nodded slowly.

"Hendery!!!! Hurry your ass up! She needs them too!" Kelly shouted for Hendery who exited his room mumbling.

"2 packs of the normal ones. Unscented, medium. Right? Luna how about you?" He turned to Luna. She was hesitant. The idea of a guy buying her sanitary pads sounded a bit bizarre.

She shook her head slowly. "I'll go and get them on my own after this."
"I'm buying Kelly's. Come on. It's not drugs. Should I get the same ones then?" He made his way to her. Luna quickly backed off and closed the door.

"That's a yes," he chuckled and walked away. A few steps away, the door creaked open and Luna peeked through the door crack. "Can I ask for a chocolate milk too?"


Hendery laughed all the way to the convenience store. He was still laughing even at the check out. The cashier gave him a  'you okay' look and he just shook it off. He was used to getting those weird stares even back in the days.

He remembered when DJ was too shy to get them for his sister, Dana. Hendery ended up getting them and giving it to her. It wasn't weird nor embarrassing for him.

Growing up, Kelly taught him that periods were normal and it wasn't something to be embarrassed off. She taught him to respect and never be disgusted by it. And also, his father was the gentleman who would do the house chores whenever his mom was on her period. It was an unspoken rule back then like it is today.

"I'm home bitches!!!" He shouted the moment he stepped into the house.

"What was that, Hendery?"
"My lovely sister here is your much needed woman aid," he handed her the packets and walked away to Luna's room.

"My lover. Yuhuuu my lover. I got your woman aid right here," he knocked on the door repeatedly. Luna opened the door and quickly pinched his arm.

"I has come and bring your blood sucking apparatus to save your ass my lady," he kneeled down and presented the packet to her. Luna almost slapped his head hard but she didn't. Instead, she played along.

"Thank you my dear servant. For I shall now proceed to do my unfinished business. If you may, let me pass through," she pushed him away and ran to the bathroom.


It's not everyday you'd wake up drenched in blood as if you were attacked by a shark.

Luna stood under the warm shower and just let the water flowed. It's winter and people don't take frequent showers. At least that's what Yue does. But Luna, she showers every single day whenever she can. She enjoyed the warm water so much.

"Luna laundry," Hendery knocked on the bathroom door. "I'll put it on my own," she answered him. The fact that he does chores around the house, still is bizarre for her. Her whole life, Luna watched women served men. Mrs Hua served Mr Li. Mama Wu served Mr Li. Luna herself, served Yun.

Except for her late parents. But she didn't get enough time with them to even wrap her head around that concept. Hence she grew up knowing that men needed to be served and women are their servers.

But Hendery. Hendery needs no serving. No special treatment. If he wants something, he'd get it on his own. Water? He'd poured it on his own. He'd do the dishes, even the laundry. It was a whole new concept to Luna.

"Where's the bedsheets?"
"In there?" Hendery pointed to the washing machine.

"You took them off?"
"Yeah. Why"
"You're not disgusted?"
"It's just blood, Luna. It's not anything bad."
"But its period?"

"So? It's fine, Luna. Don't worry about it," he chuckled and playfully tapped her cheeks before exiting the laundry room.

"I'm falling deeper in love. Help....."


Yue loves going to Hala's place because Hala would baby her the most.

"You don't have anything important today at school?" Hala asked Yue over breakfast. She shrugged. "Usual."

"Cool. You don't have to go. Let's hang out," Hala winked which made Yue smiled. "Yes!! Can we go and do nails?"

"Hair too while were at it," Hala nodded. She loves babying Yue. Yue was contemplating something.

"I also asked Hendery to bring Luna along so you guys can patch up. Do not fight. Or I will tell dad you skipped school today," Hala knew what she had to do. Yue nodded.

Not bounded by blood but that's the magic of love.


Luna wasn't used to not doing anything. She was restless.

"I'll put them in the dryer," she volunteered the moment the washing machine stopped. Hendery pushed her back to the sofa.

"It's my chore day. Go and sleep or something. Kelly is sleeping already."
"It's 7am..."
"Yes go back to bed. You're not going to the boutique anyway."
"But I don't know what to do," Luna mumbled under her breath. Hendery disappeared into the kitchen and came back out with a heated water bottle.

"Take this and sleep Luna. I have chores and fill in for Kelly until noon. See you before lunch," he pulled her to her room and closed the door, leaving Luna puzzled.

Eventually she did fell asleep after a while of reading.


She woke up when her phone vibrated hard. 100 missed calls just from that morning. All from Yun. She sighed and got off the bed. Luna made her way around the house. It was foreign but homey.

The house was completely silent. Kelly left too. Luna tried to look for something to do. But there was absolutely nothing. No chores. No dishes nor laundry. The floor was spotless. For a moment she questioned the distorted reality. Was she dreaming?

Hendery creeping on her and hugging her arm suddenly made her realised that it was indeed reality and that she was in fact home.

Home is where the heart belongs and my heart is at home when I'm around you, Hendery.

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