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"Hendery Wong?"
"He's not here."
"Dejun Xiao?"

And the cycle repeats. He had been saving Hendery's ass for years. And still had to save his ass again years later. Xiaojun never understood why Hendery acted the way he did, but he didn't question him.


Not as cold as winter, Luna sat down on the floor. It was quiet. Small whispers were heard but that was it.

"Sometimes I wonder why didn't you take me with you. Then I realised if you took me with you back then, I'd never met him. But was it worth all this pain? Was it worth all this facade I'm putting on? I'm exhausted, Leo. Why can't I come with you?"

She looked up to her brother's urn and questioned him. She wasn't crying but she was indeed hurt. Luna released a heavy sigh when she realised she won't get the answer.

"I just wish things would be different...."

"Well, if you say something. It would."


Xiaojun took off his tux and sat beside Luna. He too looked up to where she was looking.

"He's a good looking chap. Kinda look like you though," he turned to Luna and handed her a bottle of water. "Figured you'd be needing this."

"How did you find me?"
"A little bird told me."

"Heyyo. I'm not supposed to shout but I just did!" Yangyang squeezed between them. He too was wearing a full on suit. Luna quickly pushed his head hard.

"Keep your mouth shut next time."
"Sorry no can do. You didn't pay me enough to shut up," he pulled the water bottle from her and chugged the drink.

For a moment they kinda just were lost at words. Nobody said anything. Yangyang naturally leaned on Xiaojun's shoulder after a while.

"Go back to the car it's cold here."
"You sound like my mom."
"I am your mom now go," Xiaojun pushed him away. Yangyang ran away giggling like a little kid leaving them behind.

Xiaojun turned to Luna. "Wanna go home?" He got up and held his hands out to her.

"Why did you came? He didn't know?"
"He wasn't there. He couldn't make it today. You might not know us much. But we know a lot about you. About how precious you are to him."

Luna smiled, "He talks about me?"
"Pretty much all the time. Kinda like a huge fan too. Hey, thank you," Xiaojun thanked her. Luna was puzzled. She had no idea why he thanked her.

Luna just stared at him.

"Come on. Let's go home."


The car ride was quiet. Only songs played from Xiaojun's radio could be heard. Luna stared out the window, humming to the tune slowly.

"You know you love me, I know you care
Just shout whenever, and I'll be there
You are my love, you are my heart
And we will never ever ever be apart," Xiaojun sang when Justin Bieber's Baby played.

"Guys I have a favour," Luna broke the mood. Xiaojun stopped singing and lowered the volume.

"Money related? I offer with 2% increments," without missing a beat he replied.

"Now I know where he gets his I don't do refunds. Anyway not money," Luna laughed. She knew for sure Xiaojun, Yangyang and Hendery did spend a lot of time together.

"What is woman? We don't have all day here," Xiaojun rushed her. Yangyang who was snoring in the passenger's turned and slapped Xiaojun's lips.

"Calm your ass. She'll talk," he mumbled half awake.

"Oh just sleep!" Xiaojun pushed his hand away.

"Okay kids stop bickering. I just want this to end here. You know?"

"Why are you guys like this?" Xiaojun sighed. He seriously hated pretending.

"Told ya. Two morons in love. They're, hopeless DJ. Hopeless," Yangyang interrupted. He turned to Luna and asked for some water.

Yeah, probably. Two morons. In love. We're hopeless.


The car stopped at the end of the street. "You sure you want me to drop you here? There's a graveyard there."

"Yeah. I'll walk home. It's just there," Luna pointed to her block. She thanked him and walked away. Xiaojun waited until she disappeared from his sight before turning to Yangyang.

"You have a lot to explain."
"She knows before I told her anything. She's not dumb," Yangyang shrugged. He was telling the truth and Xiaojun knew it.


The lock clicked and she just sat down on the floor slowly. She wanted to cry so badly but her whole entire being was too numb for it. She just sat there in the dark.

She fiddled with her phone, wishing for it to lit up with Hendery's random texts again. But nothing. It was just pitch black.

"Do you know how much it took me to believe in you? To believe in us? To believe in people again?"

That night, she fell asleep on the floor, trying to not feel. Hua DeLuna wishes for the pain to just end and so that she could never feel again.

But fate had something else for her.


Hendery fiddled with his phone. He had been deleting his texts. He kept typing them and deleting.  He was so absorbed that he didn't hear his door slid open.

"Just send it."
"What? Why are you here again?"
"You expect me to stay at your house with your mom and sister? I'd rather sleep in that old haunted dorm alone. I'm shy," Yangyang threw his bag on the sofa. He then made his way to Hendery's bed. "Scoot."

"You wanna see Luna?" Hendery turned to Yangyang . Yangyang nodded. "So, she's not like any average girl. She is on the prettier side," Hendery sniggered. He scrolled through his abundance of photos and stopped at a particular photo.

It was his favourite one because she smiled so brightly in the photo. She was wearing a purple top and a pair of washed out blue jeans.

"You know, she's kinda pretty though," Yangyang pulled the phone away from him. Hendery turned quickly.

"Don't you dare. If you ever like her even a smidge, I'll haunt you when I die."
"I thought you'll be all take care of her for me when I die. Not haunt me when you die."

"You're a flirt. We be known. Don't even think about it," Hendery took back his phone and shoved it under his pillow. Yangyang scoffed.

Nobody's taking her from you. She loves you.


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