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"Early this year?" The cashier asked when she placed her stuff on the counter.

"Happy birthday," he slipped a piece of money packet in her plastic.

"Hey, can I get those?" Luna pointed to the cigarettes behind him.

"You smoke?"
"Nah. That one please," she handed him back the money packet and left with the cigarettes and her stuff.

Luna opened the driver's door. "I'll drive."

"Where are we going?"
"You'll see..."

Hendery plugged in his aux and played some songs. Soon, he fell asleep listening to the songs. Luna hummed to the songs slowly as she drove away.


To be in love is to accept flaws. To be in love is to accept the good and the bad, the highs and lows, and even the beauty and the not so beauty of the relationship.

To be in love is to be prepared of the worst. To be communicating, to be empathetic, to be prepared for some bad ass shit.

Most importantly to love means to accept.

The car stopped in front of the columbarium. She took a deep breath before unbuckling her seatbelt. Luna turned to the sleeping Hendery.

Slowly, her finger traced over his facial features. His eyes, nose, lips. She stopped when he smiled.

"You trying to draw me like one of your French boys or something?" Hendery opened his eyes and bit her finger softly.

"I thought you're going to keep sleeping," she pulled away. He shook his head. "Why would I? You're here," he poked her cheek softly.

"So is there anything important with Leo today? Or a random visit?" He asked her.

"It's his birthday," she answered when they arrived at Leo's urn. Luna pulled out a small convenience store cupcake and candle.

Hendery watched as she struggled to lit the candle.
"Let me," he took the lighter and lit the candle immediately.

For a moment he just watched her standing with the cupcake until it clicked. "Happy birthday to both of you! You never told me today's your birthday!"

Luna chuckled and blew the candle. "Who would want to remember the day you lost your family?"


They sat down on the floor and ate the cupcake together. "It's dry..." Hendery complained.

"It's instant convenience store pre packed cupcake. What do you expect?" Luna babbled as she handed him a bottle of water. He chugged the water.

"Do you usually celebrate like this?"
"Yeah. Nobody ever celebrate my birthday anyway. Not after Leo's passing."
"Then, let's celebrate."

"Who wants to remember the day she loses her family?" Luna fiddled with the cupcake wrapper. Her eyes were locked onto it. Hendery leaned on her shoulder and fiddled with the wrapper too.

Luna turned to him and kissed his hair. "Hendery, please don't remember today," she whispered slowly.
"I don't even want to remember today. But I do because Yun won't let me forget. So please forget them for me."

He felt the side of his head wet. Hendery looked up and saw her trying not to sob. "Luna... you can cry," he pulled her closer to him. Just as if he pushed a button she started sobbing.


At the age of 6, the twins were too young to grasp the concept of death.

At the age of 12, Luna was the only one who understood the concept of death and losing.

Ironically the same date each time. They stopped celebrating their birthday because it was their parents' memorial day.

And she never celebrated her birthday ever again because six years later, Leo left her on the same date. This time, she was doomed to a hell on earth. Living but dead.

At the age of 6, Hendery was told he would not exceed the age of 7. That he would die before he had the chance to see the world.

At the age of 8, he was told he could live until he had grey hair and wrinkles. Lived a normal life expectancy.

At the age of 22, once again he was told to prepare for the worst. That he may not be able to see the future.

He too lived while being dead.

Ironically they met, became friends, fell in love. Learning how to be fragile as if they weren't their whole life.

Hendery Wong was made for Hua DeLuna. They're indeed the right person for each other. But probably not enough time.

To be walking on the wire together. Faith, trust and a little pixie dust is needed. Because when the wire breaks, we can float and soar high up in the sky.

Think only of happy memories that I'm leaving you with. You deserve to be happy.

"Do you have anything in mind?" Hendery asked. His eyes were locked onto the road.

"Actually I do... . But you won't like it."
"Try me."


Hendery regretted asking her. He prayed that she was just joking. Unfortunately she wasn't.

"Ferris wheel? Really?" Hendery felt his knees wobbling. Luna nodded.
"We don't have to go on," she laughed when Hendery's hands were icy cold to the touch. She knew he was scared.

But he was no chicken. They got on the ride and he just stared at Luna throughout the whole ride.

"You really hate heights, huh?"
"I don't know why you enjoy. Like omg! It's so high up," he grabbed her palm and squeezed it hard.

"It's like you're flying. You feel free. At least I feel free," she rubbed his palm softly.

Somewhat, he understood what she meant. As much as he was terrified of being high up, he understood what she meant by being free.

"Well, I like it too.."
"You hate heights."
"Not when I'm with you," he winked at her.


And just like that, I know that you're lying through your teeth. Everything. Why must you pretend?

She bursted into laughter when he winked. Hendery could be the cheesiest person or the most clueless person ever. No in between.

Luna softly stroked his cheek. "I don't say this enough, but I love you. I do."

"I know."


But I kinda wish you didn't love me. So I'm the only one hurting. I guess we've made a huge mistake. Falling.

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