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Hendery lied down on his bed and stared emptily at the ceiling. He hugged the huge carrot plushie that Kelly bought for him on his birthday last year.

"Everything sucks," he mumbled slowly as he tried to sleep.

"Hendery, you up?" Kelly knocked his door slowly. He stayed quiet and just ignored her. He could hear her sitting down on the floor.

"I can make some hot chocolate. We can go get coffee if you want."
"Go away Kelly," he threw the carrot plushie at the door. Kelly chuckled from the other side.
"Now you'll have to get it," she pushed the door open and entered. Kelly picked up the orange carrot plushie and sat on his bed.

He rolled over and smiled at her. "Your lips are chapped," Kelly threw the plushie softly at him.
"On second thought, some ice cream sounds nice," he sat up.

"On my way.


Luna pushed the chair and blocked the door. Yun banged on the door so hard that it sounded like it would break in half.

She didn't know where to go. If they weren't on the 5th floor, she'd jumped out of the window but that's a long way down. Her hands shook as she picked up her phone. She froze not knowing who to call for. Jungwoo? He's in Japan. Hala? Yun would probably beat the shit out of her too.

By some wicked fate, Hendery texted her asking whether she wanted to borrow his novels or not. She didn't hesitate and called him.

"I need help."


Yun kicked the door hard. He was shouting and cussing.

"You pig! Insolent piece of fucking pig! I should've just killed you! Open the fucking door or I swear I will make you open the door! Open the fucking door!!!!!"

Luna sat at a corner, cupping her ears trying not to listen to him. Her heart pounded so hard. Her hands were sweating and she was ready for death.

"Open the door this moment! I'll make you eat the whole bottle of this fucking laxative and die!!! Open!!" He shook the door knob.

Suddenly it was silent. Way too silent. Then, she heard him picking the lock with something.

"I'll open this door and when I do, you're fucked, Luna... ." He sounded so menacing. His threat was real. Luna prayed hard.

Hendery pressed the bell again and again. He kept pressing for it.

"When you heard me pressing the bell, open the door and dash out," he calmly told Luna what to do.
She heard the bell.

"Who the hell?" Yun mumbled and made his way to the front door. As soon as she heard the front door opened, Luna opened her door and dashed out. She slipped between Hendery and Yun, running down the stairs without looking back.

Yun laughed at Hendery. "So you're here to help her. Too bad, she'll come home later and I'll fuck her then," Yun slammed the door shut. Hendery quickly ran down the stairs and looked for Luna. He saw her behind a tree, trying to kept her composure.



Hendery frowned. "How is that your fault? I mean he deserved it," he slightly chuckled when Luna finished telling him the whole laxative issue. Luna sighed.

"I should've just thrown away the stew."
"You kidding me? That's gold! He shit his pants. We all need that comedic relieve sometimes," he laughed. His hands were quick to fold the dumplings. Luna leaned on the chair and shook her head. "I'll sleep at the sauna today," she mumbled.

Hendery turned to his mother and the elderly nodded. She listened to everything and she knew how Yun is like.

"Luna, sleep over at my house," Hendery offered which she of course declined.
"We have extra room. Or you can room with Kelly," mrs Wong added. The old woman has always had a soft spot for Luna. She watched Luna grew up and she knew how much shit Yun gave her each time.

When Luna got the chance to live in the dorms, she grabbed the chance and stayed there during her final years in high school. Mrs Wong rarely saw her after that. Event to that day, she'd only meet Luna if there's anything business related.

That day, the old woman offered a roof for her like she would years ago. And each time she'd decline again and again. But that day, she agreed.

"I'm sorry to be a bother," Luna apologised.
"Chill. We can play games tonight," Kelly turned to Hendery he nodded.


Yun cursed when Luna didn't come home that night. He slammed the door to his room shut.


Luna was awkward. She didn't know what to do.
"Hey, I think you'll fit these?" Kelly handed her some clothes. Luna hesitated for a moment. In her head, Yun's voice was booming telling her she'd rip the shirt off with her big boobs or her big hips.

"You won't rip these. These are some of the ones Kelly bought online. Try it," Hendery killed the voice in her head. Luna turned to him.

"How did you...."
"Try it," he ensured her.

Luna put the shirt and shorts on. It fit her well. Nothing ripped or busted. She opened the door slowly.

"Told ya you'd fit!"


To not belong is a pain she carried ever since birth. A princess they say but what princess? Every step she took was as painful as walking on a million swords. She often spends her time by the ocean, yearning for what she doesn't know.

That night, she sang along with the waves. At the corner of her eyes, she saw it again. Something pink and glimmering under the moonlight. This time, she didn't turn. Instead she kept singing. The figure came closer and closer. That's when she turned.

It was a man with pink glimmering hair, pearls on........

"Luna. Quit reading let's play game," Kelly knocked on her door. Luna closed the book and trailed after Kelly.

They walked past Hendery's room. His door was opened and she saw him rolling off his bed and fell on the floor with a thud.

"Meatballs!!" He cussed and got up.


How long does it take to keep a secret? One second.

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