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Yangyang jumped on Hendery's bed.

"So, silent treatment?"
"Why are you here?"
"Save money on hotels," Yangyang fiddled with Hendery's pillow. He threw it up and down.


Just like magic, she was fine the next day. As if nothing happened. As if she didn't shed a tear last night. She was totally fine. Or probably not.

She was talking to mrs Hua about the dress she did a few nights ago when the food delivery came.

"Just a moment," Luna didn't even turn to the delivery guy. At that point she was bickering with Mrs Hua.

"Where is it then?"
"I did it. I swear!"
"It's not on the rack nor is it anywhere. Luna that dress is urgent."
"I sew the beads three nights ago. It was there on the rack. I hung it there."
"Okay, I'll have a look. If it's not there, it's coming out of your paycheck," Mrs Hua walked away to the store room at the back.

Luna sighed. She turned around, fished for the money in her pocket and handed it to the delivery boy.

"Keep the..... . You!"
"Yes miss?"
"You're that guy on the bus!!"

"I think you got the wrong person," he smiled. Luna shook her head. She was sure of him.

"That smile! It's you."
"Okay fine. So?"
"Wait outside. We need to talk," he shrugged and exited the shop, waiting for her outside.


Yangyang hung out by the kitchen area. He had nothing to do and he wasn't allowed to come along with Hendery to his appointments.

And he quoted Xiaojun, "You're a headache. Stay here."

He watched the restaurant soon filled up as lunch hour approached. He often wondered how could Hendery afforded their school back then. That day, he understood. If people say the devil works hard, the Wong's work harder.

He watched as Kelly cussed under her breath.

"Need aid?"
"Can you help us? Omg I owe you big one. Can you send these to the bridal boutique there?" Kelly handed him some packed foods. "The total is $16."

He entered the boutique only to hear people bickering. He waited patiently.

"Keep the..... . You!" he smiled when Luna half shouted at him. He somehow understands why Hendery's head over heels with her.

She's petite but not that petite, more on the chubby side. Her big doe eyes shone like two gems, her skin wasn't exactly the fairest but it's beautiful. Her hair flowed down her shoulders and there were purple accents to it. She is indeed beautiful. Probably not everyone's cup of tea, but she is someone's cup of tea.

Yangyang laughed in disbelief while he waited for her. People lust with eyes before knowing the heart. But he was sure Hendery never even looked at her the way he did. Hendery just saw right through her.

Yangyang chuckled when Luna walked past him. He grabbed her arm. "Yo! I'm here."


He sipped his coffee slowly. Luna fiddled with her straw for a while before looking up.

"Who are you?"
"Liu Yangyang. I bet he never talked about me."
"You guys are roomates in high school. But you're a grade lower."
"So he talks. I bet I'm the bad guy."

Luna smiled, "Nah. You were a handful he said but a good friend nevertheless." He smiled and nodded. He was the free spirit don't give a shit kind of person and still is.

"So, you know or don't?"
"What?" Luna frowned. She was taken aback by his question. Yangyang laughed.

"Oh my god! Match made in heaven! You guys are two morons in love. I can't believe my eyes," he was still laughing. Even when Luna tried to stop him.

"One man who is so self righteous and a lady who chose to be oblivious. Well ain't that a perfect movie plot. May I ask though? Isn't it hard to play dumb?"

"You're always this snarky, huh?" Luna scoffed. Yangyang nodded.

"You can say, it's the personality."
"How is he?" Luna changed the topic. He shrugged.

"Depends. Want the lies or the truth? If lies, he is fine. The truth, he is withering. If I were you, I'd spend my time around him. Like now."

Luna went dead silent. She wished she could. But how could she?


He flew over from Taiwan so he could spend some time with Hendery. Sure, they weren't blood related. But they spent their teen years together.

Yangyang couldn't believe that he actually flew all the way just to bicker with Hendery again. Yangyang pushed the door open.

"Sorry, I went to get ice cream. Here's for you guys," he handed the plastic filled with ice cream and the money Luna paid for the food.

Liu Yangyang, the free spirit. One who speaks bitter truth like no tomorrow.


Far beneath under the ripples of the water, he peeked through only to be able to steal glances of her. The one he loves.

He's the prince that wants them to be together even if their ending won't the perfect.

Luna peeked through the window, trying to see whether Hendery was around or not.

"He's not here. Why are you snooping?" Yangyang tapped her shoulder. Luna almost slapped him in the face.

"Good God! Why are you like this!!!!!"
He laughed loudly, "Why are you peeking?" He wiped away the tears in his eyes. Luna shrugged.

"Aaaa. You miss him!"
"Shut up!"
"Someone is missing her lover!!" Yangyang teased her and walked away. Luna hated Yangyang's guts with all her heart yet she ran after him.

"How is he?"
"Ask him."
"We broke up. You know that."

He grinned, "Then, you shouldn't be nosy."

"Yangyang!!" Luna gritted her teeth. He was testing her patience.

"He's fine. Would you guys stop being babies?"

"Easier said than done," she mumbled under her breath. Luna left Yangyang and made her way back to the boutique.

He ran after her, still annoying the hell out of Luna.

"You know Luna, you're probably just not your type. Chin up."


You're not ugly, just not your type

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