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Hendery quickly took off his socks and slammed his body on the pink coloured sofa. He reached for his purple covered comic.

"Wonderland," he smiled as he read the title. He flipped through the pages as he read the panels. Sometimes he chuckled at the funny bits.

"Hendery," Kelly knocked on his door.
"Okay!" He closed the comic and made his way to the dining table.

He watched as his sister and mother bickered over who accidentally poured extra salt in the dish. He took the initiative to set the table.

"Will we be able to eat dinner, guys?" He butted it after a hot minute of them bickering. He laughed and proceeded to taste the soup.

"It's fine. Mix it with rice it won't taste bad," he turned off the stove. "Let's eat?"


Luna watched Yue packed her stuff. "Bring everything?"

"Luna can I not go? Dad's place is boring," Yue climbed on her bed and whined. Luna smiled and ran her fingers through Yue's hair.

"You have to go. Just for the weekend," Luna coaxed her. She knew how much Yue hated going to their father's place. Luna hated it too.

"I don't like Mama Wu."
"Nobody likes her, Yue. I don't too. But dad likes her," Luna chuckled.

A 6 years age gap made her a mother to Yue. Luna basically raised Yue. When they were younger, they lived with their father for 3 years and over the course of those 3 years, Luna was Yue's mother figure.

Yue leaned on Luna's shoulder. "I wish our family is normal."

"What's normal?" Luna asked her and they both laughed.

This is the only family they knew.


The moon is lonely. It yearns for its lover.

Hendery knocked on his wall three times.

"What's up?" Kelly appeared at the door. He smiled and pat the empty space beside him.
"This better be good tea," Kelly climbed on his bed.

"Not tea but mom's birthday is tomorrow ," he chuckled. Kelly turned so quick that she could've snapped her neck.

"I forgot!!!! Crap!!"
"Don't worry, I already put your name on the card," he winked and got off his bed. Hendery opened his wardrobe and pulled out a paper bag.

Kelly smiled and proceeded to hug him. "You're the best!! Cheesecake and coffee next weekend?"

"Cheesecake and coffee. It's a deal," he nodded and handed her the red paper bag. Kelly giggled.

"What would I do without you?" She muttered under her breath. Hendery turned to her. "You'd mess up big time."

The lover also yearns for its moon.


Saturday means day off for the whole house. It's odd but it has been that way ever since. The boutique would open 6 days a week from Sunday to Friday.

Luna was cracking some eggs in the kitchen when Yun walked in.

"Fatty, what's for breakfast?"
"Egg rolls, soup and rice," she answered him simply, her eyes were locked onto the bowl of eggs. Without warning, Yun slapped the back of her head.

"What was that for?!" Luna half shouted.
"Look at me when I'm talking to you. Don't be insolent," Yun pushed her head repeatedly.

He kept pushing her head. "I asked you what's for breakfast?"

Luna looked up to him, "I said eggs, soup and rice. I guess you've gone deaf," she replied sarcastically. She wasn't buying any of his self entitlement. Yun wanted to slap her again but was stunted when Yue came into the kitchen.

"Luna, I don't want to go," the younger one whined and hugged her arm. Yun walked away. He knew Yue's doing that on purpose.

Luna ruffled Yue's hair. "Dad's coming at 10. You have to go. Okay? We'll spend time together next week," Luna promised. Yue smiled and hugged her.

"I love you," Yue said and ran away to the washroom. Luna chuckled.

Yeah, love you too.


~9 years ago~

Hendery ran away as fast as he could but the boys were faster.

"Stop it. Please," he pleaded but they cornered him and poured a bucket of dirty water over him. He could only held his breath as the dirty murky water fell on him.

A mixture of garbage and piss fell on him. He heard laughters. "Stupid." The boys walked away in satisfaction. He just sat on the floor, all wet and smelly.

"Hey, need a hand?" a silhouette stood before him. He looked up and saw a girl smiling at him. He shook his head.

"You're new here, huh?" She crouched down and handed him some tissue. "Wipe your face."

"Thank you," he said slowly and reached for it. Slowly he wiped away the dirty water off his face.

"I'm Hala. You?"

Hala - moon halo


Hendery - Distinctive and unique

Luna climbed on her bed and reached for her book. She noticed the purple covered comic.

'Just read it once and tell me do you like it or not.'

Yue left a note on it. Luna smiled. She flipped the first page and started reading the first panel.

And she was a warrior with the bravery of a chicken nugget. But alas she is still a warrior.

Luna closed the comic and laughed at the first sentence she saw. She wondered why do kids read comics like that.

Not even a knock, the door to her room swung open.

"Luna where's my black shirt?" Yun asked. He stood at the door shirtless. Luna squinted.

"In your cupboard I supposed."
"It's not there."

Luna got off her bed and made her way to his room.

"Here," she handed him a black shirt which he proceeded to threw at her face.

"You idiot not this one!"
"Then which one?!" Luna was frustrated. This happens all the time. She was sick of it.


Yue sat on the sofa all frozen. It was awkward for her. She never did felt comfortable at her father's house.

"Mama!! I'm home!" Yue heard her step sister coming in.

"Hala," Yue smiled at the older one. Hala smiled back. "Seen mama?"

"In the kitchen," Yue pointed to the kitchen.

It's not easy.

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