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I sometimes wish I've never been born at all.... .


Yangyang sat in the dark, staring at Hendery. Their conversation just now played in his head. He smiled.

How can he like Luna when Hendery's already got her wrapped around his fingers. The woman would do anything for him. And vice versa. Nevertheless, he knew what he was feeling. He knew he's either ending up heartbroken or haunted by Hendery. And surely he chose the first one.

"Yangyang if I die, would you promise me something?"
"I thought you were asleep?"
"Nah. Would you?"
"Let me guess. Sure, I'll marry Luna, be the father to your kids and probably love her as much as you do. Don't worry."

A single pillow flew across the room and hit him in the face. Yangyang bursted out laughing.

"Okay okay. I'm sorry! What is it?"

Hendery sat up and faced Yangyang. "If I die, don't ever stop living. Okay?"

"You're not gonna die."
"I said if."
"Bullcrap," Yangyang picked up the pillow and climbed on the hospital bed. "You're gonna at least live to see Xiaojun got his ass whopped by Dalila for the 1000th time."

Oh how we all knew that it was just a lie.


Home is where the heart belongs. Hendery dropped his stuff on the floor and jumped on his bed. He's home after weeks of not being there.

Yangyang dropped his bag on the floor and pushed Hendery to the side. "Move!!"

"How long are you staying here?"
"Forever? I don't know. It's not like I have anyone back home anyway," Yangyang made himself comfortable on the bed and was ready to go to sleep.

"Spit.. the truth," Hendery pushed Yangyang's head.

"Fine.. . They took the house. So I'm left with nothing. It's fine anyway. I hated it there."

"DJ knows?"
"Who do you think paid for my expenses? Geez I owe you dickheads so much money."
"That's okay. Slavery is doable," Hendery smiled and pulled the carrot plushie Yangyang was holding.

Bros before hoes


Luna placed the steaming pot of stew on the table. She set up the whole table and called everyone for dinner.

"Eat with us," for the first time in 10 years, Yun talked to her civilly. Luna hesitated. She just stood there. "Grab a bowl and rice and eat up," he ushered her to sit down.

For 10 long years, he stopped her whenever she ate. He'd comment on how she should eat less, he'd scream at her for eating and so on. But that day, he made her eat.

Her throat closed with each bite she took. It felt sandy as she swallowed them. Luna wanted to just ditch everything and ran away. But she couldn't. Not when everything seemed so perfect.

"So, I was thinking that we should sell that car of yours," Yun suddenly broke the news.

"I need money and that car is way past it's due date."
"Sell your car. That's mine. My parents drove that car for years. I'm not selling it."
"Well I need money."
"Then you should've think before you waste your money on gambling, Yun."

He slammed his utensils on the table. She knew it was too good to be true. No way he's being civil.

"I don't care. I need the key."
"Over my dead body, Yun."

"Gladly," he got off his seat and was ready to slap Luna when Mrs Hua screamed at him to stop.

It's crazy how you learnt to tolerate abuse because you thought you owe them the world when in fact you owe them nothing.


Luna walked down the stairs lazily. Running away sounded like a perfect solution. Only, where to? She let her legs decided their destination and it was the playground as always.

She sat down on one of the swings. It was dark but it didn't bother her.

"You know it's dangerous?"
"Nobody walks around here at night. They're too scared."
"Yun's an ass," Yue sat down on the other swing and started rocking it. Luna sighed.

"You know Yue, I sometimes wish I can run away from here."
"Run Luna. We can survive here without you. I can. Don't worry about me and mom."

Luna looked up to Yue. She smiled and softly rubbed Yue's cheeks.

"You don't understand. I can't."
"Make me understand. Make me see the world from your point of view," Yue cupped Luna's hands. She begged for Luna to tell her everything.

Luna took a deep breath, "How can you leave a place that's yours?"


"Crazy isn't it?"
"What is crazy?"
"One day, you're that freshman who begged for his life so they didn't throw your Ventolin away, the next you're here applying for college."

Yangyang threw his pen to Hendery. He initially didn't want to go to college but Hendery persuaded him, assuring him college would be amazing.

"How will I pay for college?"
"Use my college savings. I won't be using them anyway."
"What will your mom say?"
"She was the one suggested it. You're her son too. Remember?"

Yangyang got off the chair. He left the forms hanging and jumped on Hendery's bed. Sure the Wongs are great. They're super kind. They treated him nicely and all but they're not family.

"Blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. What's the use of staying where your so called family cared nothing about you? Come on. I thought you're gonna live with me until were old and neighbours?" Hendery lied down on the bed and punched Yangyang's arm slowly, like a punching bag of some sort.

"Yeah. I'll ring your doorbell and run away."

Surely you want me to fill the void when you leave. But nobody can fill the void. Not me not others.


"One two peek a boo.... three four under the door... five six b....."

"Luna don't sing that. It's scary," Yue hit her arm. They were walking up the stairs when Luna sang the song slowly. Luna laughed.

"We used to sing that when we were kids."
"I didn't know it was scary!!"
"It's not. Five six beat the bitch," Luna sang and ran up the stairs leaving Yue behind.


Does it ever drive you crazy
Just how fast the night changes.

Inside |  HENDERY WAYV/NCTOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora