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It's like high school all over again.

Hendery unlocked the door and invited them.

"Where's everyone?" Yue asked.
"Dumpling house. Duh," Hendery threw his key on the small desk by the door. "Make yourself at home. There's food in the fridge. I want to shower," he disappeared into his room.

Yue sat down on the sofa. "I haven't showered, Yue."

"Luna towels are in the cupboard by the front door!" Hendery poked his head out of his bedroom door. His hair was wet. "I'll go and look for something you can wear. Be right back," he disappeared into Kelly's room.

"Kelly said you'll fit in this dress," he held a mint green dress. Both Kelly and Luna have the same figure only Luna is shorter, hence she appeared to be bigger than the rest.


"Do we go home and get your stuff for you?" Hendery asked her when she hesitated.

"What if I run back home for a while. Like 20 minutes tops. If I don't come back in 20, look for me. Okay?" Luna suggested. Hendery was confused whether it was a joke or serious.

"15 minutes Luna. You know the short cut right? I'll time you," Yue showed her phone and clicked on the timer. Luna ran out.

"Was that a serious conversation?" Hendery sat beside Yue.
"Deadly. Sometimes Yun goes back home randomly if Luna doesn't go work that day. So yeah," Yue rested her head on the sofa rest.

It was a bizarre concept for Hendery. He still couldn't wrap his head over the conversation just now. 12 minutes later, Luna walked in with a small duffle bag and a slightly bigger handbag.

"Yeay sleepover," Hendery laughed when Luna melted on the floor.

"Fucking hell, Yue. Yun almost saw me."
"I told you Luna. Let's move away! I can live with dad."
"Ah yes, and when you fight with Mama Wu? You're gonna go where? Sleep under the bridge with me?"  Luna laughed and threw a small puppy plushie to Yue. Luna had a point. Hendery just sat there listening to their conversation.

"Yue, wanna see a cat?" Hendery called Yue while Luna was in the shower. They sat by his window sill and watched the black and white cat sunbathing.

"You know, you're a nice person," Yue turned to Hendery. He smiled. "I like you," Yue added. "But, in a friendly way. I don't want you to think I have a crush on you," Yue walked away laughing.

"Hey, Yue. Can I ask?"
"Nope, she doesn't have a boyfriend. She likes any flowers as long as they're soft and she loves anything lilac. And if you want to give her any token, make it a bracelet not a ring. She'll lose it down the drain," Yue answered him even before he could ask. Hendery laughed. "I owe you big time. Tell me later what you want. Okay?"



Yue sat down and watched Hendery playing with his game console. He handed her another one. "Play."

"I don't know how?"
"Girl, if you lost we restart. It's a game," Hendery laughed. He connected Yue's console and they started battling.

"Guys do we... . Ah, sleeping," Luna exited the shower and saw both of them fast asleep on the sofa. Hendery was hugging a pillow and Yue was on the floor with her puppy plushie.

"Kids," she mumbled and made her way to the kitchen. Well Hendery did said to made herself at home, so she chose to made some lunch.

There was a stew on the stove and it was a bit too spicy. Knowing Yue couldn't handle spice, Luna divided the stew into half. As she was pouring the stew, Hendery walked in.

"That shit spicy. Mom accidentally made it spicy."
"Oh, then can I fix it? "
"Be my guest," he shrugged and poured some water into his glass. He climbed on the counter and sat on it.

It was quiet as she made her way around the kitchen.

"Hendery, why?"
"What what?"
"You doing this? Being nice."
"It's summer, Luna. Kids are supposed to have fun. Functional or dysfunctional family. It's the only time she can create memories," Hendery answered her.

He was always big on creating memories. Probably because his father was one of the people who cherishes memories. Abundance of photos when they were kids, his father kept all their drawings and writings.


Hendery watched Luna made herself comfortable in the kitchen. It's as if it was her own kitchen. She wasn't awkward. Everything was in order.

"You know when Kelly's your age, she can't even fry a proper fried egg," Hendery mumbled. Luna chuckled. "If I can't fry a proper fried egg at the age of 7, Yun would throw plates at me."

"7? You're supposed to play with dolls. Not cook."
"I had a sister to care for, a mother too and a son of a bitch brother. I need to know how to cook. How to survive," she shrugged. Luna was unfazed with Hendery's shock. She was used to it.

Slowly, he's starting to understand where she's coming from. How she built herself; a broken shield of glass.

"Luna, you know there's more to everything than just the surface."
"I know. Just sometimes, it's better to stay at the surface. Less heart break. Less pain."

Hendery made himself useful and started washing the dishes in the sink. Luna turned to him. "I can do that."

"Nah. You cooked. I usually wash the dishes anyway."
"You do the dishes? That's cool."

"Yeah. Unlike that useless brother of mine," Yue interrupted. She stood beside Luna. Hendery laughed and sprinkled some water to them.

"Wanna go roller skating after lunch?"


Luna watched Yue and Hendery skated freely in the rink. She stood there frozen.

"Come on!!" Hendery inched to her and pulled her slowly. Luna couldn't do anything other than trusting him to lead her.

"Slow down! What if we fall?!" Luna half shouted when Hendery went a bit too fast for her. And she was right. They did fall with a thud.

Is this falling down or falling into?

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