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After a hot minute of trying to turn on the engine, the car finally roared.

"Atta boy!" Luna praised her car and stepped on the gas.


"Boy, tell me how to go to your house," Luna turned to him slightly.

"Eyes on the road!" Hendery half shouted which resulted to Luna laughing.

Eventually they arrived to his home safely. Luna scoffed when she saw his house.
"Rich ass," she mumbled. He caught on and shook his head.
"My mom is. Not me. I'm broke," he pretended to sob.

Before he left, they exchanged phone numbers just because.

"Hendery, it was nice," Luna said before he disappeared behind the gate.
"We should hang out more! See ya whenever."


Hala turned to the silhouette who was busy on his desk. She stared at him for the longest.

"You're going to burn a hole through my head," he said without even looking at her. Hala laughed. She got off the sofa and hugged his neck.

"Lucas, I wasn't supposed to cancel on Luna today," she whined. He turned and gave her a quick kiss.

"You want to spend for an uncertain wedding?"
"Don't say that!!" Hala broke the hug. He shrugged.
"You haven't decided anything yet. I'm assuming the worst," he turned back to his pile of papers. Hala sighed. She slammed her hand on the table.

"Hala, I'm doing work," he was unfazed. He didn't even blink.

"Wong Lucas we're gonna get married."
"You sure?"
"Sure sure?"
"I am sure sure sure."

But am I? I don't think so.


She got home to a messy living room. Peanut shells and beer cans were scattered on the floor. Luna put her stuff away, changed her clothes and put her hair into a bun.

She cleaned up the mess on the floor. The house was quiet so she blasted some music on and sang as she cleaned. From behind a door, a pair of eyes were spying on her.

"Oh I been caught under the spot, spot, spotlight
I wanna cave in to the dark side calling to me
The ending's obvious I know it's not right
I can't stop me, can't stop me." - Twice Stop Me

"Fatso shut up!" Yun stopped the music. He slowly inched closer to her. He was shirtless. Luna stiffened.

"Yun, I need to throw the garbage," she slipped away quickly and picked up the black trash bag. She could hear him laughing as she quickly walked away.

She threw the bag into the huge trash can. Instead of going home, she went the opposite way and headed for the playground. She sat on the swing set hoping for Yue to be home soon.

Her phone rang and she picked it up.

"On your left," said the man on the other side. She turned and saw her best friend, Jungwoo.

"Jwooos!!!" She got off the swing. "You're back!"

"Spring break, my lady. So I come home. Why are you here?" He sat on the empty swing beside her. She sat back and shrugged.

"Still at it?"
"Never stopped," she mumbled slowly. Jungwoo cleared his throat.
"Live with me? I mean my sister wouldn't mind," he suggested. Luna shook her head. "I can't. Yue... ."

The trail of bloody footsteps stopped at the edge of the water. No sight of her could be seen. And he broke down on the white sand, regretting the fact he never spoke up. He lost the person he loves.


He walked her up the street. Jungwoo and Luna had been friends for years. The only person who trusted Luna with all of his essence, Kim Jungwoo.

"Luna..." he hesitated.
"Yo? What?"
"Let's hang out later," he blurted. Jungwoo punched himself mentally when he blurted the wrong sentence.

And you should've never kept it to yourself for it's a pain you shall have to last for eternity and beyond.


Hendery lied down on the sofa the moment he stepped inside. He was depleted.

"Where's Kelly?"
"Date with her boyfriend."
"How did you get home, then?"
"Luna sent me."
"Luna? From that bridal boutique?"
"Yes mom. Exactly that Luna. Why?" He sat up and faced his mother. Mrs Wong sat on the armrest and placed her palm on his cheek.

"Hendery..... ."
"I swear mom I'm fine. See?" He nuzzled on his mother's palm. Mrs Wong laughed. "You're burning. That's not fine."

"I'm just tired, mom. I'll be fine," he assured her and lay back down on the sofa. He turned on the television and let some random cooking show played.


It's getting hotter by the minute as summer approaches but Luna kept the same fashion style. She would still put on baggy clothes that seemed too hot and stuffy.

It was a warm spring day. That day, she decided to put on some comfortable clothes. She ditched the oversized sweater and opted for a nice plain lilac coloured t-shirt and pair of jeans. She wanted to put on some shorts but she didn't.

On a hot humid day, people are expected to put on minimal makeup and let the skin glow under the sun. Luna on the other hand, did let her skin glow under the sun but her eye makeup was something people could not take their eyes off. She woke up and chose violence that day.

"Fatso.. oi, piggy!" Yun slammed the table. Luna looked up and raised her eyebrow. "What?"
"I called you."
"Sorry, but my name is not piggy," she flipped through the inventory, not wanting to maintain eye contact.

Yun poked her arm. "Look at this fat. So soft," he teased and poked her arms even more.

"Stop it."
"Uuu. Soft boobs too," he intentionally poked her breasts which made her stepped back.
"Stop it Yun!" Luna tried to ran away but his legs were longer. He caught up to her quickly.

"Come on. Thank me, Luna. No other guy would want a piece of that," he chuckled and squeezed her butt cheek. Luna quickly turned to avoid further harassment. But he was quicker. The moment she turned, his hands were ready to grope her.

"I don't think so."

Just like the waves that crashes, I hope you will always remember me.

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