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They went home with bruised elbows and knees.

"That was fun," Yue sat down on the floor. Both Hendery and Luna laughed. "Yeah for you," Luna said. Her hands were quick to untie Yue's braids.

"But it was fun. Falling down is normal," Hendery softly pat Luna's head. "Never again will I skate. Never," Luna turned to him and shook her head.

Her knees and elbows were sore. Sure there were covers and protections but still.

"Hey Hendery," Luna suddenly called his name.
"What smells like red paint but it's blue?"

"Luna! No dad jokes," Yue turned to her and slapped her arm. Hendery laughed and shrugged. "What is it?"

"Blue paint," Luna chuckled.

"This is why Jungwoo is your only friend," Yue face palmed herself out of utter frustration. Luna and her love of dad jokes.


Hendery buried himself in the fridge looking for something to snack on. "Don't snack before dinner," Kelly entered the kitchen with some dumplings.

"Just me. Mom's still there. I'm not feeling well."
"Go and lay down or something."
"I need to make dinner. Mom said she wants chicken stew."

"I can cook that for dinner. But you have to tell me the recipe," Luna interrupted. She saw how exhausted Kelly was.

"Yes," Luna nodded quickly. Kelly thanked her and made her way to her room. "Hendery knows how to make them. We ran out of potatoes and chicken," she added before closing her door.

Hendery grabbed the car keys.

"Luna. Let's go?"


Hendery pulled a cart. "Do we need that?" Luna asked him.

"Well, sure. We need snacks for tomorrow's picnic too," he walked into the store. Luna followed suit. They walked together straight into the produce section to get some potatoes and chicken. They walked past a couple of middle aged ladies who were handing out some samples.

"Look at kids these days with coloured hair."
"He looks decent with that hair colour. I can't believe girls these days are just letting their body go to waste. When I was younger, my waist was so small."
"I know. How can they not care for themselves? Geez."
"Look at her ugly clothes too. What colour is that? Dog poo colour?"

Both of the ladies were whispering to each other, only it wasn't a discreet one. Hendery turned to Luna who was pretending to look at some stuff on the shelves. "Hey, wanna have fun?" He whispered. Luna turned to him and raised her eyebrows.

"Let's pretend we're a couple and get some samples from them."
"What? Nah."
"Come on, it'll be fun. Stand up for yourself. They're mean anyway," he winked and linked their arms together. Slowly he pushed the cart and made their way to the ladies. He stopped and pretended to look for something on the shelves.

"You look so pretty," he pushed Luna's hair away from her face. Her first response was to laugh it out.

"Tacky," she chuckled and grabbed two bags of chips.

"I mean it though, you are beautiful," for a moment, it wasn't a facade but it was Hendery being sincere to her.

"You're so cheesy. Do you know that?" Luna played along and jokingly pinched his arm. He giggled.

"Honey, look some samples. Want to try them?" He pointed to the two ladies with samples. Luna nodded.

"Pretty lady, do try these sausages. They're premium."
"Yes, do try these bread. It's freshly made everyday."

Both of the ladies were promoting their products.
"Your girlfriend is so beautiful. Such a lucky young man. You guys make a perfect pair."

Hendery chuckled. He turned to Luna who was unfazed. Not even smiling. She just looked emptily at the tray in front of her before cracking a smile. Luna raised her head and faced the lady.

"Oh, thank you. I thought you said girls these days are wasting their bodies and that my shirt is dog poo coloured. Amazing that you can change your opinion just like that," she said with a smile plastered on her face. Both of the ladies froze. They gulped.


He did not expect that from her. It was something else. He wasn't used to seeing her being snarky but he remembered that Hala once told him Luna is secretly a time bomb.

He turned and watched her scathing the hell out of the two ladies. Their faces went pale and they couldn't even retaliate.

"You know, before you say anything look at yourself and rethink why you're so unhappy these days," Luna finished her sentence with the sweetest smile she could pull of. She then turned to Hendery. "Let's go lucky man. Don't want to waste your luck on them, would you?"

He nodded and pulled her hand. Before they walked away, he turned to the ladies.

"Beauty is not just what you see. It's also what you feel. Have a nice day."


She was quiet for the rest of their shopping spree.

"Luna, you okay?"
"I should've not did that, right?"
"You nuts?! I am proud of you for standing up."
"Well they're right. Look at me," she pointed to herself.

He chuckled. "Looking fine."
"Stop it. The role playing is over, Hendery."
"I know. But I mean what I say. You look fine. You're pretty."

Luna sighed and walked away. She didn't believe any of it. Hendery ran after her, pushing the cart along the way.

"Hey, Luna. Look at that," he pointed to the aisle with fruits.

"What? You want fruits?"

"No. Look at these organic ones," he held up an organic apple and showed it to her. She raised her brow, not understanding his point.

"Okay, so these are organic and it's not the prettiest fruit since it's pesticide free. But people are willing to pay a lot of money to eat them. It's funny that we can see past this and eat the apples. But when it comes to a person, you need a specific standard to be called beautiful. What's with small waists and thigh gaps? Sure, they are beautiful. But, no thigh gaps are beautiful too. Non skinny waists are beautiful too. Because in the end what matters is the inside."

"That's a very innocent way of perceiving the world, Hendery," she chuckled monotonously. She put away the apple. "People see with their eyes first. And as much as we want to be the person who looks on the inside, the outside matters first. We lust with our eyes."

"Then you should know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Luna."

"Who's the unlucky beholder of this immaculate beauty?" She mockingly responded and walked away.

'Me. I am that beholder.'

You're beautiful.

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