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~ And he wishes for the time to stop so he can have her all for himself but he can't. So the pen stops and the book closes. The story ends right there and then for she only exist in his imagination. ~

Luna finished the last of her sentence and closed the book. The book ended on a bitter note. Another book for the month. Out of every hobby she could have, she loves reading. She loved how she could sail to a new world. Luna lived as the character each time.

She turned when the door swung open. "Cold. Cold. Cold!" Yue ran inside in her towel, shivering. Luna chuckled.

She grabbed another towel from the rack and dried Yue's hair.

"Luna can you braid my hair for me?" Yue handed Luna her comb and some hair bands. Luna nodded. Yue sat on the floor and Luna combed her hair slowly.

"You're so pretty, Yue."
"You're pretty too. Luna..."
"You won't leave me, right?" Yue turned around to face Luna. Luna smiled.

"No. I won't. Why would I?"
"I'm afraid that you'd leave because Yun make you," Yue frowned. Talia chuckled and pushed her to turn around.

"This is my home, Yue. I have nowhere to go. I'll stay."

Ironically it's not even true. My home was never here. It was never anywhere.


Luna ripped open a new novel. She enjoyed ripping the plastic coverings.

"You read, huh?" A familiar voice stopped her. She looked up and saw Hendery holding food containers.

"Delivery," he smiled. Luna laughed and nodded.

"Yes I love to read. I haven't seen you in a hot minute though," Luna took the food from him.

"College stuff. Meh," he shrugged. "What's that you're reading?" He pointed to her novel.

"Oh. Classic Romeo and Juliet modern version, Blue Sun," she handed the novel to him. Hendery chuckled.

"I love this novel. It's not classic Romeo and Juliet, that I can tell you," he placed the blue book on the table.

"You've read?"
"Yeah. Good story though. Not the saddest I've read. Nothing can beat Wonderful."

"Wonderful," both of them said the title at the same time. They bursted into laughter.

"I love Wonderful," Luna smiled and Hendery nodded. He too loved the novel.

"It's really wonderful," he added.

For a moment Luna felt absolute comfort she had never felt. He was so calming. His smile was soft, he seemed so sincere and in that moment, Luna felt as if she's finally at home.

Wonderful isn't it? When two souls meet even for a second and they felt as if they've known each other forever?


Hendery couldn't believe his ears when she said Wonderful. His sister hated that novel. She said it was too sad. But him? He loved it so much.

"It's really wonderful," he smiled. The lady standing in front of him reminded him so much of the character in his favourite book.

"You know, you remind me of Layla," he suddenly blurted. Luna laughed. She shook her head in disagreement. How could she be Layla? A character so beautiful. Unlike her.

"No. Layla is beautiful. She is  tall, and very beautiful. I'm......"

"A pig. Glad you know that," Yun came out of nowhere and cut her off. Luna immediately looked down to her feet, not wanting to act.

Yun inched closer to them and mockingly laughed.
"I guess you do know you're ugly."

Hendery frowned. "Bro. That's not nice."
"It's the truth. The truth hurts," Yun replied cynically. "You're welcome, fatso. I'm helping you be pretty," he took the food and walk away. Luna remained quiet. She just stared at her feet.

"Well, let's hope your face would be as smooth as those dumpling skins!" Hendery purposely shouted before winking to Luna. He quickly ran away.

Luna chuckled. "Yeh, let's hope."


Hendery laughed his way back to the restaurant.

"What's so funny," Kelly asked him when he sat behind the counter. Hendery shook his head.

"Nah. Nothing."
"Eyyy. Really??" Kelly poked his cheek. He nodded before bursting into laughter again.

"Kelly, you know those people at the bridal boutique?"
"Yes. Mrs Hua and her kids. Why?"

"Oh so that's her daughter? The girl at the front desk?" He reached for some candy and chewed them. Kelly nodded.

"Yeah, Luna. She's very nice," Kelly sat beside him. He nodded in agreement.

"Very. But that guy is not."

"Yun? He's a piece of trash. I don't know how she could stand him? I don't know if you've seen him. But he is so rude. I delivered food there once or twice and he smacked her in the head calling her....."

"Pig," Hendery cut her off. Kelly nodded. "Yes. And not just pig. He would say so many offensive things to her even when there's customers around. I just don't understand why would he do that to his own sister," Kelly shook his head.

One thing about the Wong siblings, they could gossip for hours and they would still have something to talk about the next time they sit down.

Kelly slapped Hendery's lap. "Go and eat."
"Now," Kelly pointed to the kitchen.


~ The sky is blue and so is her heart. Upon seeing the horizon afar, she chooses to never look back. ~

Luna stopped reading and looked up to Yue.

Yue jumped on Luna's bed. "Nothing. I just want to hang out with you."

"Yue, you have friends. Go and text them," Luna chuckled but Yue shook her head.

"I met them at school," Yue lied down on Luna's lap and played with her hair. Luna's hair was long. It reached her waist. "Luna..."

"I wish Yun would treat you nicer."

"We all do, Yue. But it is what it is. He can't be bothered to be nice. That's fine."

"He's a lot like papa you know? So mean all the time. Papa always shames mama Wu," Yue twirl Luna's hair. Luna nodded. Of course she knew. She grew up watching their parents argue all the time.

She remembered vividly how he would blatantly cussed his wife in front of her and Yun when they were younger. She remembered how he kept saying his wife looked like a pig while she was pregnant with Yue. Luna remembered all of those.

And they say children are the apples of the eye and the bond of a relationship. Sometimes it doesn't work that way.

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