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They watched Yue and Jungwoo rode the roller coaster for the 5th time that day.

"Hey, take this," Luna handed him her hoodie. He stared at her for a hot minute. "Cover your face with it or something. You're red," she chuckled. He took the hoodie and put it on.

"Why do you wear this in the summer?" He asked.
"Just in case it rains or anything. I like to be prepared," Luna shrugged. She sat on the empty seat beside him. They were quiet for a while.

"You look hot. Let me braid your hair?" He offered to braid her hair. Luna shrugged. Should she? "Come on! I can do decent braids. Come on!!" He pushed her so she turned away. Luna laughed and allowed him to braid her hair.

 Luna laughed and allowed him to braid her hair

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"All done. That's better right?? More air?"


Kelly regretted the fact she slipped. She knew Hendery would be so angry at her but she had to do it. She had to put things on the table so that he is taken cared of.

"He'd be all I'm fine but trust me he's not and you can see it. He gets cold easily but he won't bring any jackets because he doesn't want to. He is a baby," Kelly looked down on her drink. She couldn't bring herself to say anything anymore. Luna smiled.

"I know he is a baby. Besides, I know how you feel. Yue was one too. We know," Luna's smile was so assuring that it made Kelly loosened up.

"Oh, Luna. If he asks you, what does that tastes like...."
"Tell him what it tastes like. He can't taste, can he?" Luna asked. Kelly nodded slowly.

Hendery often ask what does something tastes like so he could imagine the taste.

"Promise me you won't let him know you knew. From me."
"I promise. Don't worry."
"Oh, and Luna, he likes you. A lot a lot."

Luna laughed. "You know, he doesn't. Nobody likes me a lot a lot. And that's okay."

But the thing is, he likes you. Like really really likes you.


They finally entered the air conditioned building.
"This better be worth the 5 times roller coaster ride! I am starving," Jungwoo was eager when he read the menu.

They ordered their desired meal. The rest turned to Luna and waited for her to chose hers. For a second she wanted to say no to food but she stopped and remembered. "Whatever he's having," Luna pointed to Hendery. The waiter left with their orders.

It was finally some place comfortable. Hendery was lost in Luna's hoodie. He seemed so comfortable in it.

"I want to go to the bathroom. Look after my stuff," Luna got up. Yue trailed after her leaving both Hendery and Jungwoo awkwardly together.

"Hey, Luna left her phone. Wanna selfie?" Hendery pulled Luna's phone. Jungwoo nodded.


"I'm guessing you guys took photos using my phone and I will have to delete them," Luna said the moment she sat down. Both Hendery and Jungwoo giggled like a couple of high school girls.

And she was right.

10 photos later, she was left with one

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10 photos later, she was left with one. "I'm keeping this one as threat material," she locked her phone.

Their food came and everyone dug in. Yue struggled to eat with her cat ears head band falling down while Jungwoo slurped his noodles quickly.


It was time to go home. They had so fun that day. As they were heading out, Hendery saw a claw machine.

"Wait up! I want to get something from this," he stopped and proceeded to insert some coins. It took him two tries to get a plushie, so he tried a few more times and managed to fished out 4 medium sized plushied and 2 key rings.

"One for you, and one for you. One for you. And this is for me. The key rings are for Luna and Yue because I say so," Hendery said as he handed the plushies to everyone. Jungwoo laughed. "What am I supposed to do with a puppy plushie?"

"Keep it I guess? I don't know," Hendery shrugged he walked quickly to the car and unlocked it. It was scorching hot. They had to wait for it to cool down a bit.

As they were waiting, Yue and Luna went to get some cotton candy once again leaving Hendery and Jungwoo.

They leaned on the car and Jungwoo lit a cigarette. "Smoke?"
"No thanks," Hendery rejected.

"Luna never lets people touch her hair," Jungwoo blew his smoke away. Hendery turned to Jungwoo. "What?"
"Luna doesn't let people touch her hair. Everyone knows that. But you. You braided her hair. How?"

"She lets me. I mean she was fine just now," Hendery shrugged. Jungwoo turned to Hendery and smiled. "Be nice to her. She is way fragile than she seems," he then walked towards Luna and Yue who we're watching the man making some cotton candy.

I want to be the best for her. But I can't.


Yue and Jungwoo fell asleep in the car. They had a whole day of fun at the amusement park. Hendery sometimes stole glances at Luna. She was lost in her own world of staring outside the window.

"Eyes on the road," she eventually broke the silence.

"Red lights. Chill."
"Can I turn up the a/c? Or are you cold?" Luna suddenly asked. Hendery nodded. "I have this comfortable hoodie. Please, crank it up."

Her blouse was an off shoulder kind of blouse. It sat nicely on her torso and complimented her figure.

"It was fun. I can't believe I actually got on a ferris wheel," Hendery chuckled. "My sister used to tell me that ferris wheel was fun and romantic. I'm going to go home and tell her it was far from those," he added. Luna too laughed.

"Actually it was fun. I mean, I get to see a confession of a sinful man just now up there," she teased him. His ears reddened almost immediately. "

"We should do something I like next time."
"Like what, Hendery?"
"Ice skating. I love that."

As the waves crashed, he could feel her heartbeat inching closer to him. Once their beat matches, a new mermaid shall be born and the one on the land must turn to foam. He was ready for it.

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