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"Why is this place freezing?" Hendery shivered after a while sitting on the floor.
"Sorry, this baby is making me hot all the time.. the temperature is low here," Hala threw a neatly folded blanket at him. It was Lucas'.

Instead of wrapping the blanket around him, he got up and tucked Luna in it. "Sleep well little girl," he whispered slowly and gave her a kiss on the forehead. He could hear Hala trying not to laugh.


They walked down the street joking to each other.

"I thought Yun would pick us!"
"He's probably busy. Besides we know the way home. Right, Leo?"

Leo ran away from Luna when she started pinching his arm. It was a common scene for them to run after each other. Be it Luna or Leo chasing it's the same for them. When she caught up to him, Luna pulled her twin's arm .

"We're not supposed to play by the big road. It's dangerous," Luna held his arm tightly.
"That's why there's zebra crossings. See?" Leo waited for the traffic light to turn green for pedestrians and they crossed the road.

At the end of the other side, Yun waved at them. He was holding a box of cake in his left hand. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TWINS!!" He shouted.

And the last thing Luna remembered was the sound of a long horn from a truck and it crashing over Leo.


Hala quickly turned down the volume when a huge truck crashed through a wall.

Luna quickly sat up. She woke up in shock and just stared emptily at the table in front of her. "Luna... you okay?"

"Yeah. I wanna take off my makeup," she got up and disappeared into the bathroom for a long time. Hendery wanted to check on her but Hala shook her head.


She remembered how it felt when their lips met. His lips were chapped. They were dry and crusty. Luna slowly fell onto the bathroom floor and just sat there. Her mind empty.

For a while she just stared emptily at the wall in front of her. Slowly tears fell. She felt it deep down inside. The pain. All the lies she's been telling, the facade. All crumbled in that exact moment. Luna cupped her mouth as she started sobbing.

"I can't cry..." she coaxed herself again and again as she tried to regain her composure. When she did regained her composure, Luna quickly took off her makeup and washed her face, praying her eyes won't be swollen.

She could hear Hendery and Hala talking and munching over some chips and cookies in the living room.

"So you're giving birth in spring?"
"Seems like it."
"Does that mean the baby will be named flower?"
"Nah. It's too cliche. Lucas wants to name her Rose and I hate that name for some reason," Hala shrugged.

"Roses are your favourite flower but you hate the name Rose because she used to bully you in middle school," Luna exited the bathroom and dropped the bomb onto them.

"Ah that girl. I hate her."
"Wait. Wait, you're telling me THE HALA actually got bullied?"
"What? Do I look like a bully to you?"

Luna laughed at Hala and Hendery. They would bicker one moment and then be civil the next. Luna  fold the blanket back and placed it neatly on the sofa.

"How long was I asleep?"
"Half of the movie. So an hour plus," Hendery shifted seats. Luna pat her lap, telling him to lie down on it. He did.

He played with the tips of her hair, twisting it around his fingers. "Are you a cat?" Luna looked down to him. He smiled and nodded.

Are we really going to lie to each other and pretend that we're not hurting?


I wish nothing but the best for you.

"Don't forget me I beg... I remember you said, sometimes you last in love but sometimes it hurt instead!!!!" Hendery sang his heart out. Luna could only shook her head as he sang with full emotions.

"Is my car a karaoke room?"
"Sounds like it," he giggled and continued singing.

"You know how the time flies
Only yesterday was the time of our lives
We were born and raised in a summer haze....."

Luna laughed and drove away as he sang along. The sun was setting. The orange pink sky was beautiful. It's reflection sparkled as the car drove by the river.

"Hendery," Luna stopped him from singing. He turned to her and saw her stealing glances at him.
"I know I'm irresistible, but eyes on the road missy," he teased her. She smiled.

"You won't leave me, right?" the question escaped her lips.


His heart dropped to his stomach when she asked him the question.

"What kind of gibberish is that?"
"Just asking. Because this is something," she held up her wrist and shook the bracelet. He smiled and shook his head.

"I'm leaving soon because my house is there and we can't meet until tomorrow," he pointed to his house and laughed. Luna rolled her eyes.

"See you soon. Text me when you're home. Okay?" He gave her a flying kiss and watched her car disappeared into the darkness.


Why are you lying? Why are you hiding behind the mask and the facade?

Because the truth hurts way too much. Sometimes the lies are way more comforting.

Luna pushed the door open and took off her shoes.

"I'm home," she announced when she stepped in. Luna saw mrs. Hua in the kitchen. She made her way towards the elder. "Mother, can I get the week off?" She asked slowly.

Yun walked in and pulled on her hair slightly. "Get out of my face. I don't want to see you this week. Scram!" He pushed her away from his mother. Luna walked away but turned around.

"See you guys next weekend," she smiled before exiting the house. It's a common ritual for them. Every year in January, they would avoid each other.

They'd ultimately forget about Luna's existence and assumed she was never there.

Just like the previous years, she would celebrate her heartbreak all alone.

Ironically my birthday wasn't the day we celebrate. Instead we mourn over the death of my other half. You act as if I'm not hurt by it. For once, ask me.

Inside |  HENDERY WAYV/NCTTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang