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She finished the last of her beads just in time for her sister to wake up and get ready for school. Hendery was already in dreamland by then.

"Luna, I wanna shower," Yue pulled her hand. Luna got off her chair and trailed after Yue. Luna waited for Yue as the younger one showered.

It was a common thing for them if Luna had some extra work or urgent work, Yue would always accompany her at the store. Luna listened as Yue sang in the shower.

"Yue, you went flat just now."
"I know. I can't get that part right," Yue sighed and quickly finished her shower.

Yue sat down on the floor and allowed Luna to brush her hair.

"You know, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say you're bad at maths," Yue mumbled slowly. Luna chuckled and knocked her head slowly.

"Luna, braid my hair like always please," Yue turned around and handed her some hair bands.


Luna shook Hendery hard.

"Ghost??!!!" He jolted. Luna face palmed herself.
"If a ghost, they'd choke you already. Wake up," Luna tapped his cheeks slowly. He groggily sat up and stared at Luna emptily.

"You have to leave now before Yun sees you. If he found out you were here all night, we're dead meat," Yue pulled his hands and tried to drag him across the room.

Hendery got off lazily and allowed the younger one to pull him out of the store. Yue held him all the way until they arrived at the convenience around the corner.

"Luna will come by soon. I'll get going!! Thank you for teaching me!!" Yue ran off to catch the bus. Hendery chuckled as he waved.

Hendery entered the convenient store and grabbed a box of strawberry milk and a box of chocolate milk. He doesn't know which one Luna would drink but he didn't mind either one. He'd let her choose.

He sat on the mini stairs outside the store waiting for Luna to pass by. A silhouette sat beside him in a rush.

"Waiting for me, eyy?" She softly punched his arm. Hendery nodded. He handed her the strawberry milk. "I drank the chocolate one already," he raised the half empty chocolate milk box.

"Thank you."


Luna wanted to go straight to sleep but she knew the dishes were screaming. She slowly made her way to the kitchen and washed the dishes.

"You can't even wash your own dishes. 32 year old toddler," Luna mumbled under her breath. She then proceeded to clean the kitchen and the rest of the house before showering and jumped on her bed.

She was halfway into dreamland when she remembered she didn't block the door with a chair. She groggily made her way to the door and blocked it.

"I swear if its Yun calls me just to say I'm a pig. I'll..... Hello?"
"Luna, can you cook dinner?"
"What do you want for dinner, mom?" Luna immediately sat on her bed. She listened carefully to what her mother wanted her to cook.

"I'll have to go buy some stuff. We ran out of black beans, spinach, carrots and chicken. Okay, see you soon," she hung up the call. Luna grabbed her large purple hoodie and put them on.


Hendery leaned on her huge gaming chair and sighed. He wanted to go back to sleep but he couldn't. So he chose to play some games.

"Can it be any more boring than this?" he stopped playing and stared out of the window. He saw a black and white cat outside on the roof.

"Well, hello there," he made his way to the window and sat on the sill. He watched the cat bathing in the sun. For a while he got lost; watching the cat sunbathing.

"I wish I can play with you. But I'll probably die if I do," he talked to the cat and as if it understood him, the cat walked towards him and lied down closer.


She walked down the street with nothing in her mind other than to cook dinner.

Luna grabbed the basket and made her way around the store. She picked some chicken and veggies along the way. She stopped in front of a chocolate rack.

"See, fat people would obviously eat those stuff. Why can't they take care of themselves. Geez," it was a whisper but Luna could hear it clearly. Right there and then she wished she didn't stop and kept walking.

"Just these?"
"Yes just these."
"Don't want those chocolates or candies? Seems like you're the kind who would enjoy them," the cashier smiled. He was a tall and good looking man. But that was it. Luna shook her hair and paid the price. She quickly walked away.

Odd isn't it? You see a person and you straightly assume on how they are living their lives when you have no idea how it is for them.

Luna was unlocking the door when her phone rang. It was a video call from Hendery.

"Sorry I was carrying groceries," Luna apologised the moment she picked up the call. Hendery shook his head meaning its fine.

"Luna look. A cat!!" He flipped the camera and showed her the black and white cat outside his window.

"That's cute," she smiled and started peeling on some potatoes. It was plain silence. Just Hendery randomly giggling at the cat and Luna peeling the potatoes. After a while he flipped the camera.

"Luna, what are you cooking?"
"Chicken soup with potatoes and carrots because that's my mom's favourite dish."


Luna watched the soup boiling away.

"I am home!!!" Yue shouted the moment she walked into the kitchen. "Dumpling brother! Thanks for the math lesson!!!" Yue sat down and pulled the phone. Hendery laughed.

"If you have more, feel free to ask away," he smiled through the screen. Yue nodded. "Thank you."

The waves crashed as he rose above the water. He looked longingly at her silhouette, knowing they can never be together. As he was about to dive in, her voice echoed.

"My heart is pierced by cupid...."

~ I know loving me hurts but I love you~

Inside |  HENDERY WAYV/NCTNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ