➗ matt83 ➗

117 7 16

[ 7:32 PM ]

[ Matty 💛 ]
idk what i'm supposed to do
bbygirl. she wants me to train
her then leave

[ anna 💛. ]
What a bitch! Don't train her.
Take the van and come to me!
Screw that hoe!

i chuckle to myself. she's so quick to pop off. it's so cute.

[ Matty 💛 ]
i can't just not train her. i
owe my homie this. in a
way, her too.

[ anna 💛. ]
She's a bitch! What do you
owe her?

i don't feel like explaining the reason why i owe both dominic and soraya.

[ Matty 💛]
it's tough to explain.

[ anna 💛. ]
Well when are we you going
to come to me?

[ Matty 💛 ]
i'm going to have to figure
that out on my own. we'll
be together soon.

[ anna 💛. ]
I miss you tons!

[ Matty 💛 ]
imy2 bby

[ anna 💛. ]
ft? a little action tonight?

tempting. highly tempting.

[ Matty 💛 ]
later. i've got shit to figure out.

i hide my phone underneath my pillow; though there's really no need to anymore.

i sigh.

there is no changing soraya's mind. i know that. i just need to help as much as possible. i can prove to her i'm a good asset.

she dedicated today to combat train. grayson used to wrestle and he taught us certain moves to use. somehow she caught on well mixing the training from the books she read with the wrestling, taking me and grayson down each and every single time.

i thought the government had an advantage, but now, seeing how passionate and relentless she is about dominic, they won't know what hit them.

she's quick, and light on her feet. combine that with superpowers? a force to be reckoned with.

"'matt! dinner!" i hear grayson.

i frown.

"it's early as hell for dinner," i mumble to myself, but get out of bed and make my way to the kitchen.

everyone else is already seated and eating.

"cool," i deadpan, sitting in the open seat that's got a protein bar and a bottle of water. "what's this?"

"we're training. eat light," soraya states, gulping down her bottle.


"the guns."

"this is my first time hearing about this," i say.

"you're not in decision making."

"i liked it better when you were civil with me," i mumble, peeling the wrapper open.

"until i know dominic is okay, you and i will never be on good terms," she spits at me, standing. "if you'll excuse me, i'm going to get ready. apple, up for an hour, then bed. understand?"

"okay raya!"

i watch her walk out of the kitchen.

"why she so hostile?" i question grayson.

he frowns at me.

"bro, dominic hasn't checked in in almost two days. are you crazy?"

"dominic is fucking smart. i don't think he needs the worry everyone is giving him."

"you're the worlds biggest idiot," grayson says shaking his head. "apple, you finished?"

"mhm," she smiles, hopping out of her seat. "dommy is worth all of the care in the world," she tells me and goes upstairs with soraya.

grayson grabs apple's bowl and leaves me sitting at the table.

"i'm just saying, i've seen a side you haven't seen of dom. he's been through worse."

"not with superpowers. not with a deadly virus killing everyone. you don't feel what they feel; the connection they have. you can't bring the past up. it doesn't matter. shits changed," grayson tells me rinsing the bowl out.

"i've known him longer than you guys have."

grayson cuts the water off and turns to look at me.

"it's a miracle you're still alive. i'll be outside."

he leaves me in the kitchen alone.

i sigh to myself.

no one else gets it because no one else was there with me besides alex and dom.

maybe i'm the only level headed person in this house.

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