🦋 dominic43 🦋

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[ 2:04 AM ]

soraya sleeps. her breathes are even. her wig is nearly off her head but she still looks beautiful. she turned over in her sleep and i've just been tracing her outlines with my eyes for the past 20 minutes maybe.

what the hell even happened earlier? and why doesn't she want to talk about it?

yes, i messed up and went behind her back and got guns after she told me specifically not to, but that doesn't mean i stopped caring about her.

"now that she's knocked out, can someone explain what happened to her earlier?" i ask the front of the van.

"nah man. i've never seen anyone do that," matt tells me, sending me apologetic eyes.

"yeah, i'm sorry bro. i hope she's good," grayson says.

when i touched her i couldn't feel our energy, our magnetic pull. it was just emptiness.

it scared the shit out of me.

"you went quiet after she went cold, what happened?" matt asks. "it looked like she was still responding to you."

"matt, right now is not the time to get into this," i tell him.

we have state line checks we have to get through. south carolina, north carolina, virginia, maryland, delaware and finally new jersey.

if we're somehow able to do any of that, i can finally figure out how to get alex in some peace.

"bro, you're treating me like nothing over some bitch."

"yo, watch the way you fucking talk about her. you don't know her."

"well no ones giving me any information."

"she doesn't trust you. i trust her. so for me not to let her read you, you might want to pipe down. i only asked for guns, not for you to jump at the opportunity to join whatever the hell it is we have here. when i'm ready to tell you, i will. respect that g."

"bro, you hung up over a chick that don't even want you."

"again, you don't know her."

"look how she treat you bro!"

"i'm barely joining the group and even i know when to shut up," grayson jumps in.

thank you.

maybe i'll give him a chance.


"that's because you're a bitch boy."

"really?" grayson questions in a challenging connotation. "you want to sleep outside the van?"

"aye, nah. no one's fighting. we'd just knock you out and leave you on the side of the road to fend for yourself," i shrug.

yeah, i've been around soraya too long.

"has she let you hit bro?" he asks, grinning mischievously.

"grow up."

i roll my eyes.

"she hasn't?" he laughs.

"how immature can you be?"

"you're chasing pussy dude. bet it'll be trash too."

before i get the chance to say my rebuttal, my body lunges forward as the tires screech to a halt.

"get out," grayson says, calm yet assertive.

"who do you think-"

"GET OUT!" he shouts, apple flinching at the outburst.

soraya stirs slightly.

i hear the unclick of a seatbelt and grayson exits the vehicle. i see him walk around the front of the van to the slide door before yanking it open.

matt pulls a gun from out of nowhere, cocks it and holds it out towards grayson's head.

"woah! woah!" i yell, standing at the foot of the bed, not sure if i should approach. "matt what the fuck are you doing?!"

"you think you tough? anything to say now? i dare you."

"put the gun down matt," i order.

soraya was right.

this is a complete disaster.

"nah man, i trusted you. i thought you trusted me."

"i do."

"then how this dude know more than me?"

"you're focused on the wrong thing right now. put the gun down."

grayson stands unwavered, straight faced, hands up in defense. his eyes dart from the gun to matt's face.

matt's finger isn't touching the trigger, and i don't want it to get there.


suddenly, the gun whips past my left shoulder causing me to flinch a fraction of a second later, despite it not touching me.

"what the hell is happening?!"

i turn around.

soraya sits on her knees, awake, holding matt's gun in her right hand.

a scowl's prominent on her face. her eyes are low and weary.

she looks at me.

"matt and grayson-"

"i can't close my eyes ever right? you turn into fucking primates with a 'big dick' contest!"

"no, i-"

i want him gone. i don't want him in this van with me, or apple. you choose what you want to do in this situation but he's too reckless. he's going to get us caught.

i'll take care of it.

"can we start moving, please grayson?" she orders.

grayson closes the door.

matt's chest heaves. he looks between soraya and i in bewilderment.

i wish i could go off on him but that wouldn't help anything.

apple's seen and heard plenty.

i take a seat as grayson gets back in drivers.

apple crawls to me and i hold her in my lap.

"th-that's my gun," matt stutters finally speaking.

"you'll get it back when you can learn to be a big boy," soraya says and smiles at him.

{ a/n: xerophyticc this is for youuuuu !! thank you for doing my theme !! }

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