➗ matt40 ➗

201 12 14

[ 11:28 PM ]

i swear dom's always getting his ass in trouble.

the kid's reckless. it's one of the things i love about him. now he's got powers somehow? what?

i thought he started all of this. his picture was on every screen. his name and her name were on every radio. turns out max was the person who started it- according to the name of the virus- and dom is just the person They think originated it.


dom's smart, but not that smart.

dom passes me the joint after ashing it and i turn around, extending it toward soraya.

"you partake?" i ask.

"i'm with child," she tells me, gesturing to little apple asleep in her arms. she had woke up for a little but decided to go back to sleep.

i take a hit off the joint before jumping over the three seater, making my way towards the bed.

this set up is dope. i thought this was a delivery van from the outside.

soraya hasn't moved from her position against the side of the van. we moved the duffels underneath the three seater. she hasn't spoken much either besides a few feisty comments.

it's cute.

i extend the joint toward her again, this time she takes it.

i decide to sit across from her.

"i'm matt," i introduce again.

she inhales, redirecting the smoke away from apple with the turn of her head.

"soraya, but i go by ray," she states with little to no emotion.

she doesn't trust me, so i'm going to make her.

"what do you do?" i ask, "power wise."

"dom didn't tell you?" she asks back, a constant frown embedded on her face.

"he just said you're a bit much," i tell her.

"bro," dom sighs, flipping me off.

i hold back a laugh.

"well, you want to stop the van, get out, and see?" she smiles.

"f'real?" i ask back interested.

"no. matt," dom says, shaking his head, "not unless you want to die."

"wait... f'real?" i ask again.

she winks at me, inhaling again.

'a bit much' is not how i'd describe her.

she's insane.

she holds the joint out to me, the van bumping along causing us to slightly jostle around.

i stare at her hand, afraid she's going to touch me. dominic moved my hand earlier. there's a reason why he did that.

"you gonna grab it?" she questions.

i reach for it and grab it. my index comes millimeters from her thumb but i don't touch her.

i pull back, relaxing.

"weird," she mumbles.

she holds apple closer; if that's possible.

"what's with this?" i smile and inhale.

"what?" she asks back.

"like she's your daughter or some shit," i point out, exhaling.

she looks at dom, the two staring at each other.

"ohh," she says finally, as if she's had a conversation in her head. "you don't know everything," she grins.


"dominic i swear if you call me that again, i will personally throw you through the fucking windshield."

"wait, what do you mean i don't know everything?" i ask her.

she just smiles at me. it gives me a bad vibe. the hairs on the back of my neck stand.

"dominic knows the answer to your burning question," she finally answers.


"look matt-"

"no bro, what's she talking about? what don't i know?"

"you know everything."

"then what she's talking about?"

"yes dominic, what am i talking about?" she joins in.

dom glares at her, jaw clenched.

"there are... some... things you don't need to know," he tells me.

i can tell he's dancing around his words.

who is this girl?

how did she make him switch up like this?!

"what do you- i'm now associated with TWO domestic terrorists! does garrett know everything?" i ask, not wanting to blow up on everyone in this stupid van.

"bro. my names grayson," he says annoyed.

"ooh! does grayson know everything?!" soraya instigates.

"can you stop?!" dom snaps.

soraya softly laughs.

apple squirms in her arms before her eyes slowly open.

"you woke her," soraya blames.

"can someone just explain to me everything i don't know?!" i ask, getting everyone's attention.


i look at soraya.


"no. i don't trust you. seems dommy boy doesn't trust you as much as he says. so you'll shut up and enjoy your time with TWO domestic terrorists or grayson can pull over right now and you can walk your ass back to naples," she offers me.

i look at dom for assistance. i'm sure he would help me out in this situation.

he turns around in the three seater, facing forward.


"who's her bitch now?" grayson chuckles.

{ a/n: y'all idk how but i got dom's and matt's eyelid tattoos mixed up and i swear it was right when i first wrote the chapter. but i fixed soraya's description of him lmaao anyway idk if any of you are here for a long ride. i have so many ideas for this book it's insane but idk if anyone will read this long ass book haha ehh well i hope whoever reads it up to this point is enjoying it because it gets even more crazy. this is just a forewarning :) }

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