🖤💖Miscommunication- Lucas

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Request: 31LouisTomlinson31

Lucas felt a little weird ever since he woke up that morning, but he brushed it off as tiredness as he made his way to the Nct practice room. the group was doing another album with all 23 members separated into different subgroups like Nct 2020 was and he was in a group consisting of Win-Win, kun, jaehyun, sungchan, and chenle.

He opened the door rubbing his eyes as his head started to hurt.

"Ah good morning lucas!" they called to him as they finished stretching."

Lucas waved and got into position.

They began the dance and lucas found himself forgetting some pieces of the choreo. He stumbled and fell behind slightly.

"Lucas! Keep up!" kun yelled as he continued the dance.

Lucas heard him yell but didn't catch what he said. He continued to dance but still wasn't getting the dance right.

Kun was getting frustrated. He growled angrily before he turned the music off and glared at lucas before turning to the whole group.

"Okay, why don't we run through the separate pieces first, run through some solo parts before the whole group part okay?"

Lucas heard Kun talking but didn't understand a single word he said. He looked at his hyung with a confused expression and watched as sungchan said something back to the older. Once again, he heard the boy's voice but had no idea what he was saying. He started to feel scared. He got a little closer trying to listen to the group.

Kun turned to lucas with an annoyed expression. He stormed up to him with a disappointed look on his face.

"Did you hear a single thing I just said to you lucas!?"

Lucas panicked, he knew kun was talking to him, but he couldn't understand, and it frightened him. He had never had a problem understanding Korean before why couldn't he follow it now?

"w...what?" lucas asked in Chinese cautiously.

"Are you even listening to me!?" kun yelled backing lucas up into the wall.

"We have two weeks to get this down and you are way behind lucas! If you aren't going to pay attention, then why are you even here huh?" kun continued to yell scolding the younger but quickly noticed Lucas's distressed expression.

Lucas still couldn't understand a single word kun was saying but he knew he was angry. He felt his heart race, his hands growing sweaty, and his breathing quicken. Short, shallow breaths wracking his body as he was thrown into a panic attack. He brought his arms up around himself trying to calm down, but it was too late. His ears started ringing and tears brimmed his eyes, his breathing way worse now.

Kun looked at him now extremely worried. His face softened as he watched lucas panic.

"Woah, woah, lucas? What's wrong? What's going on?!" he was still speaking in Korean which made Lucas cry harder. He spotted win-win looking at him from the other side of the room along with the other extremely concerned members. He rushed to Sicheng throwing himself in his arms as he continued to cry.

Sicheng was caught off guard but wrapped his arms securely around lucas.

"I'm sor...sorry, I'm sorry I... I can't...i- "lucas stuttered out in Chinese as he continued crying in win-win's shoulder.

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