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"Oh shit, it's happening. It's happening!" Norman yelled into my bedroom. "It's happening."

"I bloody heard you the first time," I yelled, slamming my feet on the cold ground. I ran into Mingus' room, flicking the light before jumping on the bed beside him.

"Wake up kid, we're about to become big sibs ," I said, slapping both of his cheeks. He groaned and coughed.

"What's the time?"


"Where the fuck is the hospital bag?" Norman yelled. Mingus and I rolled our eyes in unison before I reminded Dad it's in the same place it's been for months.

"Be quick," I instructed before sliding into a pair of jeans and a blouse. Mom was silent, she was making no fuss what so ever. She sat on the couch breathing when I entered.

"I can't find my hat," Norman yelled again.

"Tell your dad if he yells once more he's not going to see the birth," Mom sighed through her contractions. My phone vibrated. Who the hell is awake at 5am.

From: Chandler 🌎
To: (me), Mingo💥, Melly 😽, Normski 🚬

'What's the racket for Reedus'.

I chose not to reply and hold Mom's hand as she breathed just and no more.

"You okay?" I asked, guiding her to the door. "Norman," I yelled. "Mingus, take her down."

Dad came bursting though with the bag on his back, a coffee flask and toast in his mouth.

"Let's go!" I said, pushing his back out of the house. He locked up and, for a second, stood with his hand on the key in the door. "What?"

"I'm... I'm a little... I don't wanna."

"Norman," I said, taking his face in my hands. "Dad. You can do this, you've been here once before. You know what you're doing."

He nodded, ashamed almost, before wrapping me in a hug and kissing me on the head.

"Let's so have us a baby," he yelled, grabbing my hand, pulling me down the stairs.


Melissa ended up having a C-section. It all happened so quickly. Baby-boy Reedus was upside down and needed to be removed in another way. Before, I was a firm believer that all babies were the same, but he wasn't. He was beautiful. His eyes were large and his hair dark. His mouth was almost the shape of a love heart.

"He's cool," Mingus whispered with a smile as we stood looking through the glass at him. "He's just... really, really cool."

"Cool," I snorted a little. "For it's meaning, it has such a lame name."

"You're lame," he said, nudging my folded arm with his elbow. We look at each other for a moment which felt like it lasted forever. I'd be lying if I said when I looked at Mingus there was no feelings of what once was. We didn't chose to be brother and sister. It just... happened.

"Hey," Norman said, standing between the two of us. "Look at my little man," he said, pointing right at him.

"I can't wait to hold him," I said, clapping my hands together.

"Just gotta wait for your momma to wake up. They drugged her hard, she was yammerin' a whole load o' shit," Norman said, taking a sip of his coffee. "Let's go back?"

"What are we naming him?" Mingus asked as we walked down the hallway.

"Mel wants to name him John, after her dad but I can't have two kids called Mingus and Skye and one called John, you get me?"

"So his middle name will be John, right?" I asked, making sure Melissa got John in there somewhere.

"Course," Norman said, pushing the double doors into the ward.

"What do you want to name him?" Mingus asked, looking up at his dad. There wasn't a great height difference between the two.

"I dunno. Something cool but meaningful? Modern but with a twist."

We pushed into Mom's room and Lauren was sitting with Andrew and Chandler.

"Andy," I smiled, running over to him. I sat down on his knee and hugged him. Chandler leaned over and placed his hand on my knee before picking up my pinkie and stoking it.

"How about me? I just tried to push a baby out my you-know-what. Where's my hug?" Mom asked as I walked over to her.

"I was getting to you," I smirked as I climbed in next to her. She kissed me on the crown of the head.

"Be careful, she got some war wounds," Norman said, shaking hands with Andrew.

"Where is he? I'm dying to kiss the face off him," Lauren said, rubbing her hands together.

"You and me both," I said to her. Everyone was smiling and everyone was happy. There was nothing that could bring us down.

"So what's he going to be called?" Andrew asked, rubbing his stubbled face.

"I want to name him John but I know Norman doesn't like it," Mom said, curling her mouth.

"It's just a bit old for me is all. Mingus, Skye and John? It just don't flow."

"I don't want some crazy name that he'll get bullied for."

"He ain't gonna get bullied. His father is Daryl Dixon," Andrew teased. Melissa and Norman looked at each other with smirks on their faces.

"And his godfather is Rick Grimes. No one is gonna mess with him in the playground," Dad said, smiling directly at Andrew. Andrew stood up and walked over to him, near tackling him.

"I love you man," Norman said, though it was muffled. "I know you'll love Little Baby R as well, if anything happened to Melly or me."

"I'll love him if nothing happens to Melissa or you. He's family already."


But yeah, sorry for barely uploading. I'm running out of ideas but I promise I'm trying. I'm working really hard on a story which I'll be releasing very soon titled 'Little Lucy Peletier.' More information coming soon.

Hope you all had a lovely Easter and enjoyed the season finale!

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