morning after / skye's birthday

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I woke up at 7am. Always 7am. I had five hours of sleep and there was no way I was getting back to sleep.

I scrolled down my mentions on Twitter.

@wwwbigbaldhead: mung and sky r my life

(Drunken Norman tweets are my favourite Norman tweets)

@Laurie_Holden: my best little friend @Skye_RMB

@emmykinney: @Skye_RMB & @ChandlerRiggs ❤️❤️❤️

@LaurenCohan: had such a good time today. had a great laugh with @Skye_RMB, ly x

@WalkingDead_AMC: are @Skye_RMB & @ChandlerRiggs official yet? check out our interviews and pics!

@mcbridemelissa: driving home with my little family, goodnight to you all #twdfamily #love x

@ChandlerRiggs: @Skye_RMB 💗💗💗💗

I laughed. All these people who were so appreciative of me made my heart melt. I'm so lucky.

I followed my daily routine, and by that I mean going to watch teleshopping until something decent came on, and dragged myself into the living room. I rubbed my eyes and sat myself on the old blanket.

"Ouch," the voice underneath moaned. I pulled the blanket back. Norman! And Melissa?

"What are you..."

"Nothing," Norman said, darting up. Melissa was still out like a light, her heart shaped lips were squished up and her palms were together and lay underneath her ear. Norman stroked the hair behind her ear and laughed at himself.

"Why's she here Dad?"

"She must've crashed here."

"Why are you in with her?"

"I honestly don't remember."

"Are you two..."

"No!" he insisted. "God no. Dating? No. Nutuh."

"I'm going back to bed," I said, a bit suspicious of what was going on between my parents.

"Good idea."


Two weeks after this event, it was December 16th. My birthday. To tell the truth, I was not expecting anything. Mostly because my birthday's so close to Christmas that my 'real' mom and dad would dismiss it entirely. I was late waking up this morning. 10am. And because I hadn't mentioned to anyone when my birthday was. Mingus sat in the kitchen and Norman was out.

"Where's Dad?"

"Didn't say, he left a note," he said, handing it to me.

'Ming&Skye(and probably Chan),
Gone out. Need milk. Other things too. There's a toaster and I trust Skye to make some bacon if needed. Don't call me unless, like, something bad happens, I'm serious. Like a fire or some shit. I'm rambling. Anyways, don't fuck anything up or your asses are getting a whooping. Love you all (even you Chan) - Norman.

"I texted Chandler to come round," Mingus said. "Hope you don't mind me third wheeling."

"You're not third wheeling," I insisted.

"So you haven't seen them?"

"See what?"

"The pictures from the premiere?"

"Ming, that was for Kirkman," I said. I hadn't seen them but I dreaded it.

"So the park was for Kirkman?"

m'lady [Mingus Reedus // Chandler Riggs FanFic]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu