a small gathering

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I lay on my bed in leggings and Norman's hoodie, my hair tightly secured in a ponytail, hugging a bowl of popcorn and Eye in Dark, with my laptop on my lap, re-watching the first season of American Horror Story.

"Skye, you gonna get out of bed anytime soon?" Norman yelled from outside my door with a firm knock. "We got people comin' round. Let's go."

I turned the sound of my laptop up a little louder before he burst in.

"I wasn't askin' loser, get dressed or I'm unplugin' the wifi."

"Fine," I groaned, pausing it and placing the laptop on the sideboard. "Get out and I'll get dressed."


"Yes," I yelled a little, pushing him out. "Get out."

I pulled my hair from the ponytail and straightened it before pulling on a tartan body con skirt and grey sweater. I applied some make up and put on the locket Norman first game me when I met the cast just over year ago. How things have changed. Finally, I put on my globe necklace from Chandler and joined my dad and brother in the kitchen.

"Hey look, IntrovertGirl has ventured out the loner cave," Mingus commented, which followed a slap him on the back of the head from me.

"Shut up you," I muttered, taking his toast from his plate.

"That's mine you greedy shit," Mingus yelled, pushing his chair back, making it crash of the counter. Dad lurched forward, requesting for us to be quiet in a rather load tone.

Just then, the baby began wailing from the bassinet in the living room.

"Look at what you've done now," Dad said, throwing his tea towel down. We followed him into the living room and looked over into the bassinet.

"How do you make him stop?" Mingus asked, twitching his nose a little.

"Where's Mom?" I asked.

"Gone a drive to get some buds," Dad said, standing up and folding his arms. "I haven't really picked him up. I can't really remember how to do it."

"You're kidding me, right?" I asked, looking at Mingus. How do you forget how to hold a baby?

"Don't look at me, I'm not picking It up," Mingus laughed, crossing his arm.

"He's not It," I groaned, leaning into the bassinet and picking him as best as I could. I put him over my shoulder and bounced him about a little but kept crying.

"What is his name?" Mingus asked, looking at Dad.

"It's really long," he said, nervously chuckling. "We couldn't decide but we managed a name."

"Why is it so long?" I asked, continuing to bounce the howling child on my shoulder.

"Well he's gonna be the only one," Norman replied. "First name Oskar. With a K. Middle names are Norman John Scott Sean Andrew. We wanted to make sure all the guys were accounted for. Norman after me and my ole man and John after Melissa's ole man. Scott for Scott Wilson. Sean's got double for Patrick Flanery and Clark. Then Andrew for our old Clutterbuck."

"It's meaningful," I said fake smiling as my ear droned from Oskar's wails. "Every name within it has got a meaning. I like it. Mingus, Skye and Oskar Reedus."

"Can't you switch that thing off?" Chandler asked, walking in from the front door and into the living room.

"Can't you learn how to knock on a damn door?" Norman asked, punching his shoulder as he went back into the kitchen.

m'lady [Mingus Reedus // Chandler Riggs FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now