school / filming

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Mingus had to undergo 7 different surgeries. He's wheelchair bound for the next 10 months minimum. We arrived back in Atlanta two weeks after Copenhagen with Mingus in tow. Helena said she had no problem with Mingus returning home with us as long as he was getting the right care. It's been hard, Norman and I have been ran off our feet trying to help him. He's normally out of it most of the time with all the medication. We've started to do school. I must admit, I miss going to actual school. Being sat in front of a computer with Chandler and Mingus, just learning from what's on a screen has became boring.

"How many hours you got left Skye?" Norman asked.

"I don't know, like three," I said.

"Here," he said, throwing me a yellow package. "Take a break and look at this."

I caught it in my two hands and ripped it open.

"What is it?" Mingus asked, peering over my shoulder. I pulled the plastic cover off it and flipped the page.

'The Walking Dead - S4 #9'

My first real script. I looked up to Norman and smiled. I flipped the page and a little note, like the first time I got a script, was written.

'Dear Skye - 2014 is your year'

Norman lifted me up under the legs and pushed me a little farther over the couch.

"How do you come in?" Norman asked. I eagerly flipped through the script and reached a highlighted piece of text.

"I'm with Melissa ," I smiled. What I had wanted from the start!

"Awesome!" he said. "I'll go get mine and we can practice."

I laughed as he skipped off like a child.

"You okay Mingus?" I asked him.

"Hmm?" he asked in a daze.

"I said, are you okay?"

"Sure," he mumbled.

"You're not, hungry, thirsty?" I asked, becoming motherly.

"Uncomfortable," he moaned.

"C'mere," I said, pushing him a little further onto the couch and sorting the cushion behind his head. My necklace dangled over his face, along with the tips of my hair.

"You still wear that old thing?" he croakily laughed. I held the little charm in my hand.

"Of course," I said. "Never leave the house without it."

"The pictures are old now," he said. I took it off and he made a little room for me to sit in front of him. I held it in my hand and opened the locket.

"We look so young," I said. "It was only been, like, three months ago." Three months. So much has happened in the space of three months.

"You need to update those pictures," he said.

"Look at the length of Chandler's hair," I laughed. He'd toned his hair down a lot more since then. "And you look so tiny!"

"You know what though?"


"You're still as beautiful as you were that day," he smirked, his eyes squinted. I smiled and kissed him on the head.

"You get some rest Ming," I said. I got up and walked into Norman as I left.

"Wow there," he said. "Where ya going?"

"We should go run lines with Chandler," I said.

"And leave Mingus?" he said. "Don't be inconsiderate Skyey."

m'lady [Mingus Reedus // Chandler Riggs FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now