the decapitation (part 2)

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I woke up thanks to the sound of muttering. I opened my eyes and Chandler, Andrew, Lauren and Melissa all sat in front of me.

"Thank goodness!" Chandler said, hugging me. My body hurt all over that the moan I was trying to hold back slipped out.

"Easy buddy," Andrew said. "Me and you gotta go talk to Kirkman."

"No we don't," Chandler said. "I want to stay with Skye."

"C'mon son," he said. Chandler stood up and Andrew lovingly ruffled his hair and put his arm round him. I cleared my throat.

"We had paramedics here," Lauren said. "It was crazy."

"I'm sorry to cause such a fuss," I said. Melissa moved my fringe.

"We couldn't get through to your mom or dad but you have a light case of heatstroke and a broken nose," she said. "So you've got to drink plenty of water and take it easy okay?" She handed me a bottle of water as she said 'drink plenty of water'.

"Thanks," I said, drinking half of it in one go.

"I'm going to head off," Lauren said. "But feel better sweetie."

"Thank you," I replied. Melissa stared at me.

"Skye, what happened to your face, to your nose, to your lip, to your head, even your arms," she calmly said.

"Nothing," I said.

"Skye," she said, raising her voice a little.

"It's nothing bad, honestly," I said.

"Was it your mom?" she asked. I cowered away. "I knew it!"

"It was an accident!" I lied.

"Please, what did she do? Why did she do it?"

"I dropped jam on a cream carpet. She pushed me, grabbed me, I asked her to stop but she wouldn't let go of my arm," I said, my voice breaking halfway through. Melissa cried with me. She held me, no matter how my skin felt I let her. She rocked me back and forth.

"Why did you walk all that way Skye?"

"She wouldn't drive me any closer," I mumbled.

"Well, I can't keep this quiet, I just can't," she said.

"Please," I begged.

"Was she like this back home?"

"Not as severe," I replied.

"What did she do?"

"Just slap me, nothing bad," I insisted.

"Skye you're being abused."

"I'm not, they love me."

"Skye, look in the mirror," she said. "No mother does this to their child, let alone their little girl." She held my face and looked at my lip.

"My face hurts real bad, Melissa," I moaned.

"I know sweetie, it'll all be over soon," she promised. "Just sit down and I'll go find Robert."

She headed off and I looked out my trailer window. Every single window was open, all the fans were on and the door was left open. I began to feel much cooler. I lay soundly and stared and the ceiling.

"Psst, hey Skye," I looked up to see Norman, David and Steven.

"Yeah," I said. They all came in, hands behind their back. David had a bouquet of flowers and handed them to me. He hugged me. Steven stepped forward with chocolates.

"Hope you're okay newbie," he smiled and then hugged me. Norman kneeled down at my level.

"Look at you, heatstroke and everything and you're sitting up straight. My little badass," he said, opening a little box. It was a silver love-heart locket. I pulled it out and looked at the engraving, 'Badass'. I hugged him. He held onto me, moved on the couch and pulled me onto his lap.

"We'll leave you to it," David said. "Get better soon, Hecate." He jokingly winked as he referred to me as the
head witch in Macbeth.

"Bet you're wondering where Mel is, huh?" he asked. I nodded. "Now don't freak, we've called the cops to come speak to you about your life at home okay."

"No," I tried to moved but Norman held onto me tightly.

"It's for your own good Skye, c'mon you're gonna hurt yourself," he said. I struggled to get out of his grip but he has too strong.

"Let me go," I said. "Please, just let me go."

"I can't Skye, Melissa, Andrew, Robert, everyone wants me to hold onto you so you don't run off before the fuzz gets here," he said. "Just relax okay." He bundled me up in his arms.

"I used to do this to Mingus," he said. "Get him all cosy and I'd rock him." I lay my hands on his chest and my head on my hands. "He's worried about ya."

"Is he?"

"Really worried, he was in shock, he sat by ya when Chan went to get Robert."

"He's a good kid," I replied, not really knowing what to say. It went quiet after that. I guess I dosed off a little because the sound of the television made me jump.

"Wow," he said. "Are you having a nightmare?"

"I-I-I don't think so," I stuttered. He stroked my head lovingly as he watched the Lakers game.

"Mr Reedus," I heard from the door. I looked up to see two policemen, Melissa and Robert.

"Yeah," he abruptly replied.

"Normie, you're filming in ten, how about you leave us to look after Skye," Melissa said.

"I'll be back, I expect her to still be here, you got that?"

"Well we'll see sir," one of the men said. Norman delicately lay me down on the sofa and kissed my head. Melissa sat down next to me and the policemen and Robert sat down across from us.

"You wanna tell us what happened?" Robert said. I took a drink of the water and sat up straight.

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