home / making up

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"I want to go back with Glenn and Maggie," I demanded. I looked up to Andrew who bounded towards me. I couldn't help but get a fright.

"No!" he yelled, gripping onto my shoulder. "You can't, you won't."

I stared up at him and let out a droned laughed and removed his hand from my shoulder and walked off the opposite direction.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Anywhere that isn't near you, Mr Grimes."

"Who in the hell do you think you are, little lady?"

I stopped and watch the lens zoom into my face and prepped myself for the next line.

"Cleo Wade. Memorise it. Write it down. Put it in an envelope. Mail it to yourself at '123 I DONT GIVE A SHIT LANE."

"CUT," Robert yelled.

I ran and jumped onto Andy's back.

"Well done badass," Dad smiled, tickling my ribs and lifting me off Andrew. "

"Well done sweetheart," Melissa said, clutching her stomach. She looked a little pale and frailer than normal.

"You alright?" Norman asked, holding her up a little.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," she said, turning to Kirkman. "Hey Rob, let's cut the cussing down a little for Skye, alright?"

He shrugged and walked off. We were done with filming today. Chandler and I haven't spoken since that night in Salt Lake City. He wasn't filming here today. I spent the next day pretending to be totally obsessed by him (which, in someways, I am), but when we boarded the plane home I didn't utter a word. We were going to sort everything out today over a coffee at a cafe.

"Bye Mom, bye Dad," I said, grabbing my rucksack. "Bye everyone else."

"Remember me and Ming are out of town tonight," Norman yelled as I went.

I walked to town with my earphones in, listening to a bit of Ed, when I felt a set of hands on my shoulders. My stomach jolted. No doubt I'd get kidnapped in broad daylight.

"Skyeeeeee!" Sam yelled.

"Jeez boy," I laughed, punching his shoulder. "What's new?"

"Nothing much," he moaned. "You met Gray yet?"

"Nah bud," I replied. "I'm heading to meet Chandler just now, actually."

"I heard, dude. He cares about you, ya know."

"I know," I replied, fishing in my bag for Norman's Ray-Bans. I was sick of hearing that. "We just have to talk things through."

"Whatever dude," he replied, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Better escort you now I'm here."

The two of us walked into town. Sam is literally one of the funniest people I know, I couldn't stop laughing all the way there. We reached outside the cafe.

"Call me if anything major occurs. I don't want to have to find out through Instagram, ya know?"

"I get you brother," I replied, hugging him.

I walked into the cafe and there was nobody around.

"Hi, you must be here for a Mr.Riggs," a waitress said.

"Yes," I smiled. "I'm Skye."

"Come along," she said, grabbing two menus. She took me to the very back of the restaurant. Chandler sat at a table with a plaid shirt on. When Chandler has the plaid on, it's serious. As soon as his eyes locked on mine he fumbled to his feet, dropping his phone as he went. We both bent down to pic it up, crashing heads as we went.

"Ouch," I laughed. He let out a little chuckle and pulled my chair out.

"What can I get you both?"

"Two hot chocolates?" Chandler said, making sure it was alright first. I nodded. The woman smiled and walked off. There was an uncomfortable silence which I had never experienced in my months of knowing Chandler.

"So," I said.

"So," he replied. "I guess we have some stuff to discuss."

"Yup," I said, making the the 'p' pop.

"Hana my best friend, you know that right?"

"How can I forget," I mumbled.

"See it's stuff like that! I don't understand why you can't be nice about her or even like her."

"Because I'm jealous alright!" I said, slightly raising my voice. "She's a skinny-mini, blond, tanned singing/acting sensation. And what am I? Nothing compared to her."

Chandlers mouth dropped a little before he gathered his thoughts.

"So," he snorted. "I don't want that. I want you. It's always been you that I've wanted. Not her. You are more important to me than she could ever hope to be. I promise you, she is nothing but a co-star on a crappy movie."

I nodded, tears building in my eyes. He got up and wrapped his arms around me.

"And, she's certainly not m'lady," he whispered. I laughed and pushed the tears out of my eyes.

"There ya go, doofus," he smiled, kicking my leg. "You're fine. We're fine. Wait, we are fine, right?"

"Honestly Chandler, I couldn't be any more fine."

"In future, if we're going to argue, can we not do it a Comic Con?"

"Sounds like a good idea to me," I replied, offering my fist. We bumped and he unfolded it, kissing the back of my hand.

"Sometimes I think you were put on this world to make me blush," I said, covering my cheeks. He winked at me a little.

We drank our drinks and began to walk home. It was 10 before we got in.

"Seen you on then flip side," I said.

"Not without a goodnight kiss," he replied, pulling me in. He pulled my hair to one side and planted his lips. How I've been waiting for those lips. We whispered bye and parted. No lights were on except from one down the hall.

"Mom," I yelled.

No reply.

I wandered to the bathroom, the door sitting ajar. She sat on the bathtub, staring at the ground.

"What's wrong?" I asked, kneeling in front of her.

"I'm pregnant."

m'lady [Mingus Reedus // Chandler Riggs FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now