fliming / christmas & new year (part 1)

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Today, December 24th, we were filming a scene. My opening scene. The forest had been cleared of snow and I sat with a mug of coffee, two pairs of gloves, ear muffs and a large jacket. I'm from Quebec and this one of the worst winters I've experienced.

"Let's get the gear off and this final scene filmed, I've got a hyper active 4 year old and a wife who is slowly breaking down, let's get this show on the road!" Robert yelled.

Norman pulled off my gloves for me and took the jacket off.

"You remember everything Em's taught you alright?" Norman said.

"I'll be right here watching," Emily smiled. Emily has been coaching me for this song. I nodded, my stomach was ready to bring the coffee back up due to nerves. I took a breath and walked off with my bow in hand.

[As Cleo]

"Of all the money that 'er I had, I spent it in good company," I sang. I kneeled down to the water and dipped my feet in, keeping the bow and arrow close. I tried to ignore the fact there was a camera pointing right behind me and that Robert's face was the only thing I could see just hidden in the bushes. I had to stop so we could wait for Lauren to enter. I heard her load the gun. "To memory now I can't recall."

"So fill to me the parting glass," Lauren sang. I slowly stood up, picking up the bow.

"Goodnight and joy be with you all," we both sang. Robert instructed me to countdown from five. 5,4,3,2,1. I spun round, making sure my plait lifted a little. I squinted my eyes at the camera before letting myself smirk.



We both hugged each other tightly and she caressed my face as I spoke again.

"Thank goodness you're alive. Why aren't you at the farm?"

"It's a long story. Was the city overrun?"

"Of course it was. When everyone died, I thought countless times of travelling to farm but after my Dad and Uncle Hershel, well, you know."

Lauren had to stare off longingly to have a flashback to the man that played my father and Scott having an argument. Robert cut.

'Scene 2 and action."

"At least you're safe," Lauren smiled.

"Where is Uncle Hershel, Aunt Annette, and Beth and Shawn?"

"Beth, she could be out there. Annette and Shawn went a long time ago. But, Daddy? We'll have to walk and talk."

She put her arm round me and we kicked off into the trail.

There was a loud buzz and Lauren let go. She lifted me off my feet.

"You did amazingly!" she said.

"That she did," Robert smiled.

"Thank you," I smiled.

"That's you both done for the year," he said. "See you at the New Year Party I trust?"

"See you then," Lauren smiled. "C'mon, I'll walk you to Norm."

We walked back to Norman.

"Heard you done amazing sweetpea," he said.

"Her singing was really good Emily," Lauren said.

"I'll give you two lovely ladies a ride home if you wish," Norman said.

"That'd be grand," Lauren smiled. Lauren and Emily both share an apartment in the outskirts of Atlanta as Emily primarily lives in New York. We said our goodbyes and Norm and I strolled back to the car. He looked a little sad, which was unusual.

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