the weekend (part 1)

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Chandler was still weird with me at school but back home acted like my best friend. We were assigned homework for English and he was round so that I could help him. He sort of sucks at English. We were reading over the script when the landline rang.

"Hello, Reedus household," I said. Chandler snorted at my formal greeting.

"Skye, it's Kirkman," Robert bellowed down the phone.

"What's up boss?"

"Twitter is what's up, pictures of you and Chandler arguing. You and some tanned kid in town and Chandler with a bunch of girls hanging off him. Is he with you?"

"Uh yeah, I'll put on loudspeaker."

"Who is it?" Chandler asked.

"Riggs, it's me," Robert said. "Listen, we have an agreement that you act boyfriend and girlfriend for a while. Have you forgotten."

"We aren't really on the best of terms to be honest Robert," I said.

"Gotta nip that in the bud right now," he sternly said. "I can come round if needed."

"No!" Chandler and I said at the same time.

"We'll figure something out don't worry," Chandler said.

"I'm trusting you here," Robert said.

"Don't worry," I said. "See you soon."

I hung up and threw the phone down.

"We aren't really on the best of terms," Chandler finally said. "Are you an idiot? Of course he was going to start ordering us around if you say stupid shit like that."

"Here you go again, what's gotten into you."

"What's gotten into me, more like..."

"Enough!" Mingus yelled, standing in the doorway with his crutches close and his eyes filled with tears. "Both of you just stop it alright?"

"You've upset him," Chandler said. "You alright buddy?"

"I can't stand my two best friends fighting," he said. "And no, I've banged my foot and it really hurts."

He lay his arm on the doorframe and put his head on his arm as he screeched out in pain. I looked down to foot. It was pulsing and one of the oddest shade of blue and purple.

"You gotta sit down," I said.

"He's got to go to hospital," Chandler said.

"Melissa's gone out of town with her friend," I said, running my hand through my hair.

"Dad's back in Tampa," Chandler said. "Mom's on training."

"I'll phone Dad," I said, picking up my phone.

"No!" Mingus said, grabbing my phone. "We can't have him worrying. Not while he's thousands of miles away."

"Well what do we do Mingus?"

"We can't get a bus," Chandler said. "Nobody drives."

"Then we walk," I said. "Chandler go get the wheelchair."

The boys looked at each other and started laughing.

"What," I sternly said.

"I went down the stairs outside and fast as I could and a wheel fell off," Chandler sniggered. As angry as I wanted to be I couldn't help but looked at his little smirk.

"What do we do now?" I asked, pulling myself out the trance and crossing my arms. We looked down to Mingus who was hyperventilating through the pain.

m'lady [Mingus Reedus // Chandler Riggs FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now