Mid-Season Finale (with Flashbacks)

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AN: Bad chapter. Skip able if you wish. Another will be uploaded between now and the 25th of December.

"You get the popcorn," Mingus argued back, putting his feet up on a table.

"Piss off, you get the popcorn," Norman replied, kicking Mingus' feet down. "Who's taking you to the Knicks game, huh?"

"I'll get the damn popcorn," Steven said, getting up from his seat. I walked towards Dad and attempted to sit on the vacant seat beside him. Chandler rubbed my hand as I went passed.

"That's your moms seat," he said, childishly laying his hands down, as if he were a kid trying to save a spot on the carpet for his best friend in kindergarten.

"Okay, I tell when I'm not wanted," I replied in a fake, huffed voice.

"Let her sit," Mom said, caressing her stomach, assuming the position to kneel down.

"Don't be silly," I said, pulling her down on the seat. I sat on the arm of the chair next to Chandler, one leg over him and one out on the couch. He held my hand in his two.

"Everybody shut up, it's starting," Alanna said, throwing some chocolate in her mouth. Christian leaned over her, dressed in her Minnie Mouse onesie, and turned the volume up.

We'd all gathered at Melissa's flat. She's kept it, despite moving in with Norman months ago. It's now where we gather to watch episodes. Andrew immediately put in his earphones, his back to the television.

I looked around the room and couldn't help but exhaling, smiling slowly. Minus Emily, who was at the Talking Dead studio, my whole family was together.


"Mr and Ms Reedus," the receptionist called from behind a desk.

"Yes," I replied urgently turning to her, my hair flicking up in the air. "Where is Melissa?"

"Floor 7, room 345. Do you want to..."

I didn't stop and wait. A burst of adrenaline flew through me. My mom was up there. She could've just got the best news or the worst news. She could be up there crying tears of joy or have her heart broken. I didn't see any point of waiting on an elevator and began running the stairs.

"I can't keep up," Chandler said, panting behind. I rolled my eyes and cupped his hand, encouragingly. We ran 5 floors and walked the last two.

"Whose smart ass idea was it to take the stair?" Mingus asked, panting as we burst through a set of double doors. The ward started at 330 so we had to go all the way to the end.

"Kids," Dad yelled, as we appeared before him. We ran to him and he engulfed Mingus and I in a hug.

"How are you holding up, Dad?" I asked. He looked to his feet.

"I puked."

"Why?" I asked, moving myself closer to the door.

"Not because of your Mom. I met her here and I ran up the stairs. I hate waiting on elevators."

I turned to the boys in a 'told you so' manor.

"Can I go in?" I asked. He nodded and with that I opened the door.

"Hey," I whispered. Mom was under the blankets, her head tilted towards me. I held her hand gently. "Is everything good?"

"We'll see," the doctor said. He began an ultrasound. Mom limp hands finally found a source of life and squeezed my hands. There was a silence for a very long time, her hands trembling in result.

"There's nothing happening, why is there nothing happening?" Norman asked from the door. He ran towards the monitor. "Why isn't there anything happening?"

"Calm him down," Mom whispered. I kneeled down beside Dad and hugged him slightly. The doctor was adamant and after an exceeded time of silence a murmured heartbeat arose.

"Everything is good, to follow up your question," the doctor said, smiling. "Do you want to know the sex?"

Norman and Melissa looked at each other before nodding, Norman's hand creeping to Mom's.

The doctor shuffled around a little more before smiling.

"Congratulations. It's a boy."

*end of flashback*

"You want some?" Chandler asked, tapping me with a bowl.

"I'm good, thanks."

"It's my scene with Seth," Chandler whispered. I had somehow been moved in onto his legs, his hands wrapped round my stomach and his chin in my collarbone.

"Remember that time you almost didn't get to film this."

"Remember that time I almost got kicked off the show."


"Skye, put on something smart, remember. We're going out. Our lawyer will meet you there," Norman said, kissing me on the head. "Try not lose your job."

I looked towards Chandler who'd been sitting on the couch for 30 minutes before I woke up. He'd made me a little breakfast and gone a coffee run. I quickly got dressed into a blouse and black jeans, accompanied by a blazer and a dickie bow. I pulled on my loafers and joined him at the table.

"You look nice," he said, after a short silence.

"Thanks," I mumbled. There was another short silence. "Are you nervous?"

"Of course I am."

"Are your parents going to be there?"

"It's not likely."

Another short silence.

"Let's just get this over with," Chandler said, taking my hand. I locked up and Chandler drove us to the studio. We sat in the car for a moment before I leaned over and kissed him.

"What was that for?" he asked, smiling with his eye shut. It was one of those "it's gonna be okay kisses" that you give when everything isn't going to be okay.

"Because I want you to know I'll be there for you know matter what happens in that room. You mean an awful lot to me, Chandler, and I want you to know that."

He picked up my hands in his and rubbed them.

"Don't you think I already know that?" he laughed, kissing my hand. "Let's go in."

We walked out into the studio and into the conference room. Everyone was there. My lawyer, Chandler's lawyer, and the producers.

*End of flashback*

"Damn it," Norman yelled loudly. "Helena's phoning, I gotta take this. Hiya sweetheart."

Mingus and Mom rolled their eyes. I couldn't really flashback to the issues that Norman and Helena were facing. To simply put it, Helena wanted Mingus and Mingus wanted to stay. Mingus got what he wanted, as usual, and we're living back in harmony.

"I can't believe it's over," Josh said to Michael who was on his sixth or seventh cigar. He nodded.

"Same time next week?" Lauren asked.

"The Talking Dead is starting," Melissa said in a quiet voice, lifting her finger to her mouth. "Let's watch."

And we did watch. And we did cry. We'd lost another member of our family. Since I've been on the show I've lost David, Scott, Brighton, and Kyla and those were hard but now; now I've lost my big sister.

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