central perk & statue of liberty

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After that night, things took a turn for the better. Dad ended up with a bad cut on his face and I broke my tailbone so we pressed serious charges against Derek and Reid. Turns out, they were illegally staying in America. They were deported back to Canada where Derek will be spending time in a mental institution. Rachel fled Canada with Xander after I was adopted so my uncle has custody of Reid. I didn't leave Norman's side that whole night.

In the morning, Norman, Mingus and I went with Eye in the Dark house hunting while Melissa and Chandler joined a last minute panel at a small convention. It was nice to have some time with just me, my dad and my brother. We found a beautiful, four bedroom house. Eye even loved the house. Norman made an offer right on the spot. He called up Melissa who excitedly screeched down the phone.

"Meet us at Central Park!"

We drove to Central Park and found Melissa and Chandler sitting on a bench. Melissa promptly got up and ran into Norman's waiting arms. He held her tightly.

"You three," he yelled. We looked over to him. "Here's some cash, there's a zoo somewhere round here, but you can do whatever the hell you want, and I'm sure you'll find a place to get some ice cream."

Mingus went to take the money but Norman steered it towards me. We walked up Fifth Avenue until we reached the gates of Central Park Zoo.

"We going in?" Mingus asked eagerly. I shrugged. I wasn't a 10 year old who loved the zoo anymore. I had a look at the sign next to me. Koala bears. I love koala bears.

"Hells yes," I said. They sighed. I grabbed hold of Chandler's hand and Mingus grabbed onto his wrist. I payed for us to go in and we walked around for a bit. Soon, Chandler became bombarded with fans and he became restless in the spring heat.

"Let's go," he finally said after the fans stopped.

"Where?" Mingus asked.

"Anywhere that isn't here!" he yelled.

"Oh, it must be so hard," Mingus muttered sarcastically. We found a little corner shop that sold sundaes. We sat at one of the tables inside. Chandler had bought a pair of sunglasses and a hat on the way here. Spring Break was upon us and it was the worst time for the likes of Chandler. Mingus went off to the bathroom and I just simply stared at Chandler.

"What?" he smirked. I leaned over the table and took off his sunglasses and hat. Before I could pull away, he put his hand on the back of my head and pulled me in for a kiss.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that for," he whispered as I descended back into my chair. I smiled at him. The way the sun crept into the shop, that was almost nothing but windows, attacked his eyes turning them clear. I snapped out of it when Mingus pulled his chair.

"Ohh, what looks good?" I asked myself as I pulled one of the menus from the holster.

"You," Chandler smoothly replied, leaning forward to get a menu.

"Easy tiger," I replied, kicking the bottom of his shoe.

We ordered our ice cream and dug in.

"By the way," Mingus said. "I heard Dad and Melissa talking about Brantwood."

"Ugh," I moaned. "Don't even get me started."

"Chan told me about Chase," he replied. "Douche bag."

"I don't want to so back," I moaned, putting my spoon into the sundae.

"See, I'm sure I heard them talking about some other school."

I felt something brush my hand. I looked down onto my lap and Chandler's hand was on my kneecap. I put my hand on top of his and nodded to Mingus.

m'lady [Mingus Reedus // Chandler Riggs FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now