weekend (part 2)

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We walked into Chandler's. His father was still in Tampa and his Mom was on a night shift.

"Who watches your little brother?" I asked.

"The au-pare," he said. The au-pare (the equivalent to a live in nanny) was in bed and so was Grayston. We sat on the couch and turned on the TV. Chandler groaned, switching it off, and pulled on his jacket. "Let's go."


"We've been invited to a party."


"Some guys at school. They said I could bring a plus one. I have my one, would you like to be my plus?"

He reached out his and I gripped onto it. I was dressed okay for a party I guess. I had a denim dress on, this one was a blouse on top, and white converse. Chandler said it wasn't too far out but it was a good mile. We walked hand in hand because my hands were so cold and needed any source of heat.

"I like your hands," Chandler smiled.

"My hands?" I laughed.

"It's like they're made for me," he blushed.

"Well I love your hands too," I smiled, lifting his hands and kissing his knuckles.

We reached the house and knocked on the door. Josh, one of Chandler's friends, answered the door.

"Riggsy," Josh smiled, low fiving and hugging Chandler. "I see you brought young Skye."

"I did that," he smiled, throwing his arm round me.

"We're down in the basement just now but we'll probably move up into the living room later," Josh said.

"Cool brother," Chandler said, patting Josh on the back as he walked away. "Listen, I gotta take a piss but I'll be down in a sec."

"Okay," I said. I walked down to the basement. Mollie and Chase.

"Oh my god, I'm like, so glad you made it!" Mollie squealed.

"Me too, I didn't know about this," I smiled. "Ming got taken into hospital so he's not here."

"Didn't Josh text you the details?"

"Nah," I said a little worried.

"I told Josh she'd be coming anyway," Chase half smiled. He winked a little and I blushed. I walked off to get a drink and sat down on the sofa.

"Hey," the kid sitting next to me said. "Sam."

"Skye," I said, shaking his hand.

"I know who you are, Hollywood."

"Oh," I awkwardly said, sipping my drink.

"You're so hot."

I rolled my eyes a little.

"I'm flattered," I kindly replied.

"Seriously though," he said, putting my hand on my leg. I seen Chandler coming closer and I stood up.

"What the fuck Sam!"

"Oh Chan, I didn't know if..."

"You knew."

"Not by the the way you were bitching about her at school!"

"Wait is this Sam with the vlogs?"

"Yeah," Sam replied. "I'm Sam Daniels."

"Don't worry about it, Sam," I said. "It's good to finally meet you."

"See," he said, shaking my hand. "Nothing to worry about. I'll catch up with you later."

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