london calling (part 2)

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"Shhh, you'll wake her," Norman said. I jumped as he put his arms underneath me.

"What the fuck," I said, accidentally. Norman laughed.

"Was gonna carry you out to the car, since you're awake you might as well walk," he said, turning my light dimer on full. I squinted.

"What time is it?" I moaned, pulling my covers off me and sitting on my bed.

"6am," Mingus cheerily said.

"6am!" I yelled. "We're leaving in fifteen minutes. Get out out, I need to get dressed." I ran rapidly round my room, pulling my last pair of jeans from the cupboard. I had no tops left! I plugged my straighteners and waited for them to heat up while I pulled up my luggage. I grabbed the first top that was there and pulled my converse on as I did. I untuck my hair and looked in the mirror. It was Chandler shirt. I tutted, I truly didn't have enough time to change. I straightened my hair as fast as I could.

"Let's get a move on Badass," Norman yelled.

"Coming," I said, unplugging the straighteners and throwing my phone and the charger in my holdall. I locked my room door and ran down the hall. Helena and Mingus were already down at the car.

"Go knock on Chandler's door," Norman said.

"What?" I asked, puzzled. Why Chandler?

"He's coming with us, his parents can't take him and I don't want the boy missing out, hurry."

I knocked on his door and he was there in seconds.

"Bye Mom," he yelled. "Wow, nice shirt m'lady."

"Shut up, it was literally all I have," I said. Norman had already went down to the car. "Let's go." We ran down the stairs and into the car. We slid in next to Mingus in the back.

"Hey Helena," Chandler said.

"Hello Chandler, how are you?"

"I'm good, you?"


It went silent from there. Chandler, Mingus and I couldn't contain our laughter at the awkwardness. We hopped out the car and walked into the airport. We checked in our bags and stopped at the terminals where we had to split off.

"I'm going to miss you so much," I said, grabbing onto Mingus.

"Miss you too sis," he said. I playfully ruffled his hair which he did to me.

He and Chandler hugged and then him and Norman had a long embrace. When Norman and Helena went on to talk I turned to Mingus and Chandler.

"Let's get a quick picture," I said. I took it and showed them.

"Let's go buddy, it was nice meeting you Skye," Helena said.

"You too," I said.

I looked over to Norman who waved as Mingus and Helena went up the escalators. Tears formed in the bottom of his eyes.

"You okay Dad?" I asked. Shit. Didn't mean that.

"Yeah," he beamed a little. He put his arm around me. "I'm just gonna miss my little boy."

"It's only for two weeks," I said, trying to make him feel better.

"I guess," he mumbled. "In the mean time, I get to hang around with my little girl." He hugged me and lifted me off the ground.

"Stop," I laughed.

"Let's go get some grub," he said, putting his arm around Chandler and I. We walked into a restaurant.

"Alright buddy, can I get your biggest table?" Norman asked.

"Hey, you're.."

"Norman Reedus? Yeah, you got a table or what?" I darted round. Norman was being extremely rude to the waiter. I frowned at him.

"Uh, yes, of course, right this way," he said, grabbing a bunch of menus.

"Thank you. Uhm, can I get a picture with you?" Norman asked, looking back at me. I smiled a little.

"W-with me?" he questioned.

"Yeah, I was a little rude earlier," he said.

"Of course," the waiter said, taking his phone out. I took one on Norman's and one on the waiters. Norman slipped the guy a couple bucks.

"Thanks man."

"Man, I'm starving," Chandler said. He pulled my chair out.


"Don't even say it," I said. He laughed.

"Better send out a text and let everyone know we're eatin' here," he said. Meanwhile, I uploaded the picture of Chandler, Mingus and I. It was my first own post tweet I'd uploaded since getting employed on the show. It literally got 750 retweets in the first 3 minutes. Norman retweeted it and added 'coolest kids around x'. Lauren, Emily and Melissa came in. Melissa had probably the largest flask filled with coffee I've seen in my life.

"Skye, sweetie, come give me a hug," she said. I obeyed and hugged her tightly. "I'm so tired."

"Me too," I said.

"What time did Normie have you up at?" she asked.


"We literally had to drag her out of bed," Lauren laughed. I really like Lauren. She sat down next to me, volunteerly.

"So, Norman tells me I'm sitting next to you on the plane," she smiles

"Really?" I enthusiastically smiled.

"Yeah, it'll be fun. Steve and Emily are in our row."

"Great," I replied. She turned to emit and started a conversation with her.

Andrew, Scott and Steven arrived a little later. We ordered food. Chandler and I agreed on sharing a pizza. Only because they didn't do breakfast an I'm not a fan on pizza before 6pm. I ended up eat 1/4 of it and let Chandler have the rest. I'm kind of afraid of long haul flights. I get all worked up and hyperventilate and shake like mad so I was feeling pretty nauseated. Norman whistled at me as I began to shake just thinking about it.

"What's up?"

"Nothing," I replied, taking a sip from my drink.

"You look awfully pale," Chandler said. I turned round to him, his cracked lips formed a serious position while his eyes stayed open and wide. Norman looked over to Melissa.

"C'mon Skye," Melissa said, reaching her hand out. I took it and followed her to the bathroom. "What's up?"

"Nothing," I replied.

"Skye," she sternly, yet lovingly, replied.

"I don't like long haul flights," I replied. "I hyperventilate, shake and get all sweaty."

She took me in her arms, stroking my hair.

"It'll be alright," she insisted. "I'll let Lauren know and she'll keep and eye out."

"Okay, Mom, I mean Mel," I said. She pulled me off her.

"Did you just called me Mom?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry it just slipp-"

"Don't worry," she said, smiling. She hugged me again. "C'mon let's go back."

I sat back down.

"So, Skye," Norman said. "Have you ever been to London?"

"I went for the premiere of Capper," I said. "But I've not seen the place properly."

"It's beautiful," Chandler said.

"It's where I'm from," Andrew said. "How about Liverpool?"

"Love Liverpool," I smiled. "My grandma was from Liverpool so I'd spend summers there. Watch games at Ainfield and go to places The Beatles had been to."

"I love Liverpool as well," Lauren said.

"Never been," Chandler said.

"It's beautiful."

"Should we think about going?" Scott asked.

"Probably best we made a move," Norman said. He went and got the bill and everyone payed. We walked out as a group to find the VIP lounge. We finally came across it but we were literally there 10 minutes before we had to board. I walked out with Norman.

"Skye, wait a second," Lauren said. Is topped an waited for her and Steven. She came over.

"We'll get on with you," she said.

"Okay," I replied walking down the tunnel. Norman was standing at the end.

"Forgot your passport Badass," he said, playfully hitting me on the back of the head with it. I smiled and handed the lady the my passport and boarding pass. Emily was already seated with her earphones in and slippers on. I sat down on my seat at the end. Andrew, Scott, Melissa and Chandler were behind us and Norman sat alone beside us. We had boarded way to early but it'd be fine. I decided I'd have a nap and hopefully miss take off. And I did. And over half the flight! I woke up at 1pm, there was only 2 hours remaining.

"Look who's awake, finally," Norman laughed. I stretched out and picked my iPad out of my bag. There was free WiFi onboard. I checked my home screen. @stevenyeun uploaded a picture. @ChandlerRiggs uploaded a picture. @wwwbigbaldhead uploaded a picture. I turned on notifications for when any of the cast or crew upload something. I unlocked the screen.

'sleeping beauty x, @emmykinney, @LaurenCohan, @Skye_RMB & @wwwbigbaldhead. '

It was a selfie Steven uploaded of me sleeping with him, Emily, Lauren and Norman, who was bent over and sticking his tongue out.

"Steven!" I moaned.

"Wait, there's more," he laughed.

I scrolled to Chandler's post.

#takeapicturewithsleepingskye hahaha I'm so dead, with @mcbridemellisa, @Skye_RMB, andrew & scott.

These four were hanging over the chair with their thumbs up. I turned round to Chandler who was in hysterics. I scrolled down to the last one.

#baddad #daughtersgonnakillme #takeapicturewithsleepingskye. It was the whole cast in this one.

I noticed David had left a reply.

@wwwbigbaldhead: my poor little buddy @Skye_RMB! see you all soooon!x

I turned to Norman. He shrugged and stuck his tongue out. I stuck mines back out.

I tweeted out.

'guys sure got me good, revenge will be sweet #twdfamily #takeapicturewithsleepingskye

The rest of the flight flew in. When landing came, sure enough I began to tremble and struggle to breath. Lauren talked me through it. When we landed all of them were staring at me. I blushed and the silence stayed strong.

"How are you not dead?" Chandler asked, he'd gone pale like when Norman was knocked out by my dad. I shrugged, picked up my hand luggage. I walked out of the plane into the cold British wind. My knees nipped as the wind attacked them. They clanked together and my arms began to shiver.

"Hear, have my hoodie," Chandler said.

"Chan, you'll freeze," I said.

"I'll be fine," he smirked. "Here."

He wrapped it round me and I put my arms in.


"Much better, thank you."

"Anything for m'lady."

~Also, happy 45th birthday to Mr Norman Reedus~

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