first day filming! (reading the script and a new offer)

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Yeun and I walked along the narrow corridor.

"So," he said, awkwardly.

"So," I repeated.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Uh... sure?" I said in a questioning tone.

"You and Chandler? What's going on?"

"We're just friends," I insisted, even though I knew, deep down, this wasn't true.

"Please," he laughed. "Everyone knows there's something going on between you two."

"There's not!" I said, my voice becoming high pitched. He raised an eyebrow, know that I was lying.

"We, uh, we all have bets on for when you'll make it official," he admitted.

"Do you now?" I said, finding it a little bit funny.

"Yeah," he smirked, putting his hands in his pockets. "And how long it'll last."

"Do you people not have something better to be doing with your money?" I teased, walking in the room.

"Evidentially not," he laughed taking a seat. Once we all arrived, Robert walked in.

"Well, first off, congratulations on surviving the first half of season 4," he said. Everyone laughed and Norman and Andrew cheered. "Of course, we had to say goodbye to some of the family. Scott, David and countless others. But onwards and upwards as they say. Of course you all know Skye who's joining the cast for her first official table read. Let's begin."

We read through the script. It went pretty well. As I went to leave with the others, Gale requested that I'd stay for a moment to discuss things with her, Gregory, Robert and, a new guy I'd never met yet, Frank. I obediently sat down and waited for one of them to begin a conversation.

"So," Robert said. "We have one final proposal for you."

"Oh jeez," I said. "All these new character story lines you could make a new character."

Gale laughed and Greg simply requested I'd give him an 'up top'.

"Focus," Robert said. "Do you want to hear it or not?"

"Fire away," I mumbled.

"So we were thinking you could be a long lost niece or sister or something along those line."

"That old card?" I laughed, putting my hands behind my head. "Isn't that a bit of a sell out?"

"Exactly what I said," Frank said, writing down on his sheet of paper. "Frank Darabont."

"Skye Reedus-McBride," I said, shaking his hand.

"I didn't think it was that bad," Gale said.

"It sounds like something from a fanfiction," I said, laying my hand on my lap.

"A what?"

"Nevermind," Robert and I said at the same time, eyes widened and pupils dilated.

"Look," I said. "All I'm saying is, though it's pretty unpredictable at this exact moment, people might think of it a bit of a cop out."

"You're sure on this? Because we have a script," Gale said.

"I'm open to any suggestions," I said. "It wouldn't hurt reading the script."

"You take this and we'll extend break, everyone goes to trailers, until you read it," Gregory said, looking over to Robert who simply nodded in return.

"I had this burst in the middle of this night," he told me, tough I didn't care, passing me the script. "3am. We're all at our best when the world peacefully sleeps."

"Would I be a niece or whatever to an alive character or a dead character?"

"Hey, I never thought about dead!" Robert said. Way to go Skye, I thought, give him another idea. "The plan was to be Carol's niece, you find her, ask about Sophia and we can have her have a flash back."

"I see," I said.

"Or there's Daryl's daughter," Anne said. "Or little sister. He's kept you quiet because he regrets not taking you with him and Merle."

"Or there's a Greene cousin," Gregory added. "That's our least likely one because you don't have an extended career to do an accent that'll do it justice.

I nodded.

"Mika and Lizzie's cousin or aunt," Frank said, rolling his eyes. He wasn't up for this at all.

"The choice is simply yours," Robert said, handing me the four scripts all in individual packages.

"The only thing is we'll have to change your last name if we have the Lizzie and Mika idea," Frank said.

There was too much information to handle. I looked over to Gale who lightly touched my shoulder.

"I think she's sat long enough," she said. "Off you go."

"Thank you," I said, taking the four scripts and my bottle of water.

"Uh Skye," Robert said, as I had the doorknob firmly in my grip.

"We'll discuss the matters of this evening before you leave," he said. "Chandler already know we will be too."

"Yes sir," I said, finally leaving. I lay the back of my head on a near by wall and caught my breath, my head spinning from what just happened.

"Are you alright?" Emily asked.

"Yeah," I smiled, wiping the sweat off my brow, something I thought I'd never do in the bitter month of December. "Fine."

"You don't look so fine," Lauren said.

"I just need to go over these scripts alone," I said, putting my free hand in my pocket.

"I'll come with you," Chandler said.

"Alone, Chandler" I repeated. "We have extended break, we can go to our trailers."

They all smiled at my notification of a break. We all walked down to the lot as I gripped my future tightly in my arms.

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