the decapitation (part four/four)

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I sat down next to Robert. He explained what was about to happen and for me to stay deadly silent. I did. I watched it all. I heard Andrew yelling his lines (we were filming from the other side of the green, by Scott and David). Andrew delivered his lines in such away it made my body freeze and my throat swell up. I looked over to David, who looked like a different man, not the fun loving, laughing-joking David that I loved. His transformation truly affected me. I watched him as he took the swung with Michonne's samurai but turned away as soon as I seen it move toward Scott. The battle seen was gruelling. I loved the action. We stopped quickly and filmed the scene where Rick & Carl find Judith's baby-carrier. Andrew cried genuine tears, along with Chandler. He kept looking over at me but I motioned for him to concentrate. He understood my flapping of arms. One final scene to film, the exit of the prison from Carl and Rick's point of view. It was truly phenomenal. This marks the last episode before I make my appearance. Before I enter the show. The whole cast and crew applauded one and other. Then we all ran to Scott. We joined in a unison of tears and hugs. It was the last time we'd see Scott be Hershel, the last time we'd look at The Walking Dead in the light that we did. It was a very momentous occasion. We split off and said out goodbyes. We'd be meeting up regularly to discuss script ideas for the last half of this season. We'd be touring as well, to conventions and interviews. We wouldn't be stopping until the week before Christmas. We all headed back to our trailers and collected what we'd need. I bagged everything up and unplugged my television when a knock interrupted me.

"Skye, may I come in?" David asked. I turned round and seen him, he still had blood on him from the scenes just filmed.

"Sure, come in, sit down," I said. He did.

"So, Macbeth right?" he said. I wasn't particularly in the mood to discuss Shakespearian plays at the moment but I didn't want to be rude.

"Yeah, I know," I said. "Good play." He threw an envelope at me.

"Open it," he urged. I ripped the envelope open and a single ticket flew out.

"Everyone's coming to see me perform, and you are certainly no different," he said. I leaped into his arms and hugged him. At that moment, my nose began to bleed.

"I'm so sorry!" I said.

"Oh look at all the blood!" he said, jokingly pointing to all the stale pieces of blood from the scene. "There was less blood on my hands when I murdered Duncan." Another Macbeth joke. I wiped it with a tissue in my pocket. David stayed and waited for Melissa, Norman and Andrew to arrive to take me back to the apartment. Andrew arrived first.

"Hey kid," he greeted. "How was filming? You enjoy it?" It's weird hearing Andrew speak with a British accent.

"You were amazing Andrew," I said.

"I do try," he said. "Norman and Melissa are just talking to the police."

"Oh," I said, blushing.

"Don't worry, everything is past us now, you've just got the court case to get through," he said, hand on my back.

"She'll get through it," David said. "She's a brave one."

The guys had a deep conversation about places in England so I mainly sat in silence, checking my phone occasionally. Norman and Melissa arrived.

"You ready to face the music?" Norman asked.

"Sure," I said. "Let's get it over with."

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